Ubisoft are working on a nextgen Tetris game
Will Tetris ever become as huge as it once was?
It seems like it´s time for the Tetris franchise have it´s big come back (again?). At least that´s what Ubisoft hopes for. Cuz at this very moment, Ubisoft are working on a nextgen version of the old puzzle game that we all love.
Yes, i'm of course referring to "Tetris". So, what will this "nextgen version" of Tetris offer us (the players) then? Besides advanced HD graphics , and a fat soundtrack (hopefully). Im quite sure that the game will take advantage of Xbox One´s Kinect, and Sonys PlayStation Camera.
Which means that we will be able to become one with our Tetris gameplay sections. But all this are just wishful thinking at the moment. So i guess that we just have to wait and see what Ubisoft got in store for us.
Press release:
"PARIS, FRANCE — January 16, 2014 — Today, Ubisoft® and The Tetris Company announced a partnership to develop the iconic Tetris franchise for digital channels on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and the Sony PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system.
The Tetris franchise celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2014 and has sold hundreds of millions of units worldwide across more than 50 different platforms since its launch in 1984. Tetris-branded products are available in more than 50 languages and in 185 countries around the world. Ubisoft draws from experience in creating memorable experiences for casual gamers with licenses such as The Smurfs™ and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World™, as well as the recent announcement of a partnership with Hasbro.
“We welcome Ubisoft to the Tetris family. I am 100% sure they will develop one of the best versions of the Tetris game ever,” said Henk B. Rogers, managing director of The Tetris Company, LLC. “We’re very excited to start working with this world-renowned brand, and can’t wait to combine Ubisoft’s expertise and all the capacities of next-gen consoles to create an exciting new Tetris experience for fans,” added Yves Guillemot, Ubisoft co-founder and CEO."
Tetris hompage
Drunkards and Flagons - A roleplaying drinking game

Role playing and alcohol. That´s a great combo imo xD
I have to admit that i really miss to good ol Dungeons and dragons days (in Sweden it´s called "Drakar och Demoner). I was about 11 years old when i started to play Dungeons and dragons. A friend of mine (back then) introduced me to the game.
And due the fact that i have always liked to read, dragons, magic, fantasy and adventure. Dungeons and dragons feelt like a blessing from above. So i could just sit and read the D and D books all day long. I also enjoyed to write stories and scripts for our D and D sections.
But as we all know. You grow up, and you have to get a job and so on. So sadly enough, i didn´t have much time for Dungeons and dragons anymore. But at least i found something to ease my pain today. It´s a RPG game called "Drunkards and Flagons".
It´s basically a RPG drinking game, that´s heavily inspired by Dungeons and dragons. So if you like pen and paper role playing games. Then you might wanna give Drunkards and Flagons a try!
"Drunkards and Flagons is an open ended RPG rules system designed for new players and veteran gamers alike. It’s a Roleplaying Game, a Drinking Game, and unlike anything you've played before. Grab some friends, a stiff drink, and try to remember where you left your wizard hat the next morning."
Minecart of Malice - Epic Minecraft Roller Coaster
I have seen many Minecraft videos and creations since Minecraft started of back in 2011. But just like everything else. There´s people that stand out from the crowd. In this case im talking about nuropsych1s uber epic Minecraft roller coaster.
I mean, that roller coaster must have taken weeks to build and complete. Just look at the damn thing, it´s full of epic win! I guess that there´s no limitations to what you can build in Minecraft after all. It´s all about hard work, fantasy and determination.
Plastic Surgery - The plastic surgery app for kids
Plastic Surgery for 9 year olds. That sounds like a really good idea, NOT!
Just when you thought that the whole "Media wants you to look perfect" thing, couldn't possibly get any worse. Then i found out about the Plastic Surgery (made by Natalya Staritsyna and Corina Rodriguez) app for iOS and Android. It all started when i saw a tweet by EverydaySexism earlier today.
At first i thought that it was some kind of joke. But nope, it´s the real deal. And Plastic Surgery´s target group was small girls (9 years and up). It really made me sick to the stomach! Cuz How low can one sink to earn money?
Very low obviously. But justice got served in the end. Because both the iOS and Android version of Plastic Surgery, got pulled of the market not so long ago. Let´s just say that both Google and Apple couldn't avoid all the angry rants on internet.
I still don´t understand how the app got approved for the App store and Google Play store though. I mean, how gave the app thumbs up in the first place? We will probably never find out. But at least it feels good to know that Plastic Surgery are gone from the market.
The question is however, for how long?
About Plastic Surgery:
"Barbara likes to eat a lot of burgers and chocolates and once she found out that she looks ugly. She can’t make it up with this situation any additional second. And today plastic surgeon is going to make operation on her body and face in order to return cute Barbara’s look. She is afraid of all of this, but I know you will check that everything is over normally."
Wicked Paradise - An erotic adventure game for Oculus Rift
I bet that this came as no surprise for anyone. Cuz let´s be honest now. Because when a new piece of technology hits the market. The porr industry ain´t far behind. In other words, they adapt and take advantage of the new technology.
Just take the virtual reality sex adventure game "Wicked Paradise" for example. It´s one of the very first erotic games for the Oculus Rift. It´s like a virtual reality version of Leisure Suit Larry. And i was quite surprised to find out that the team behind Wicked Paradise, have been working on games such as "COD, "PlanetSide 2" and "Lost Planet".
So they sure have the right skills to make awesome games. The question however. Would be if they have what it takes to make something awesome out of Wicked Paradise?. And from what i've have heard. Wicked Paradise are set for a release this year some time.
I have to admit though. I'm kind of curious about how bad (good?) Wicked Paradise will turn out to be. Well, time will tell!
"Wicked Paradise is developing the world’s first fully immersive Erotic Virtual Reality Adventure Game specifically designed to make use of the amazing capabilities of the Oculus Rift.
Instead of watching an erotic movie or reading an erotic book in which the main character has exciting sexual adventures, you become that character!
Inside Wicked Paradise you are not watching someone else have all the fun, you are having all the fun!
What is this videogame like?
Imagine playing Leisure Suit Larry but instead of watching a screen, you are inside the game.
Imagine the world and its inhabitants look highly realistic.
Imagine walking into a bar in Wicked Paradise, noticing a beautiful lady, talking to her, and seducing her.
Imagine playing your cards right and having passionate wild sex with her.
Imagine all this in high quality, immersive virtual reality.
Welcome to Wicked Paradise!"
PS4 and Xbox One users love to watch porn
I heard about this "PS4 and Xbox One porn" thing way back in November last year. But now i have started to understand how big this embarrassing issue has become for both Sony and Microsoft. Cuz big Porn sites such as "SugerDVD" and "Pornhub". Are already more than active on both the PS4 and the Xbox One.
But it seems like the Xbox One users spend more time watching porn, than the PS4 users do. At least if you choose to believe SugerDVD´s spokeperson Nicole Stetter.
“The average time spent per session varied quite a bit,” SugarDVD spokesperson Nicole Stetter told GamesBeat. “For PS4 users, it was 17 minutes versus 26 minutes with Xbox One users.”
"Simply put, the Xbox One is a gateway for porn of the future,” SugarDVD CEO Jax Smith said. “The PS4 is pretty, but Xbox One allows for more seamless integration and a more interactive experience.”
“Some are arguing the Xbox One is more of a family-oriented console, which might be contributing to the lessened porn activity,” - SugarDVD CEO, Jax Smith
So what can we conclude out of all this? Well, not only are the PS4 and Xbox One a Gaming, entertainment and media system. It´s obviously also a gateway to porn and dirty cam sex sections as well. So how will Sony and Microsoft handle all this?
Cuz im quite sure that their making money out of the porn industry as well. Will they pretend like it rains? Or will they come clean about it? Time will tell.