
Drunkards and Flagons - A roleplaying drinking gamecomment_here

drunkards and flagons
Role playing and alcohol. That´s a great combo imo xD

I have to admit that i really miss to good ol Dungeons and dragons days (in Sweden it´s called "Drakar och Demoner). I was about 11 years old when i started to play Dungeons and dragons. A friend of mine (back then) introduced me to the game.

And due the fact that i have always liked to read, dragons, magic, fantasy and adventure. Dungeons and dragons feelt like a blessing from above. So i could just sit and read the D and D books all day long. I also enjoyed to write stories and scripts for our D and D sections.

But as we all know. You grow up, and you have to get a job and so on. So sadly enough, i didn´t have much time for Dungeons and dragons anymore. But at least i found something to ease my pain today. It´s a RPG game called "Drunkards and Flagons".

It´s basically a RPG drinking game, that´s heavily inspired by Dungeons and dragons. So if you like pen and paper role playing games. Then you might wanna give Drunkards and Flagons a try!
About Drunkards and Flagons:
"Drunkards and Flagons is an open ended RPG rules system designed for new players and veteran gamers alike. It’s a Roleplaying Game, a Drinking Game, and unlike anything you've played before. Grab some friends, a stiff drink, and try to remember where you left your wizard hat the next morning."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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