Drunkards and Flagons - A roleplaying drinking game

Role playing and alcohol. That´s a great combo imo xD
I have to admit that i really miss to good ol Dungeons and dragons days (in Sweden it´s called "Drakar och Demoner). I was about 11 years old when i started to play Dungeons and dragons. A friend of mine (back then) introduced me to the game.
And due the fact that i have always liked to read, dragons, magic, fantasy and adventure. Dungeons and dragons feelt like a blessing from above. So i could just sit and read the D and D books all day long. I also enjoyed to write stories and scripts for our D and D sections.
But as we all know. You grow up, and you have to get a job and so on. So sadly enough, i didn´t have much time for Dungeons and dragons anymore. But at least i found something to ease my pain today. It´s a RPG game called "Drunkards and Flagons".
It´s basically a RPG drinking game, that´s heavily inspired by Dungeons and dragons. So if you like pen and paper role playing games. Then you might wanna give Drunkards and Flagons a try!
About Drunkards and Flagons:
"Drunkards and Flagons is an open ended RPG rules system designed for new players and veteran gamers alike. It’s a Roleplaying Game, a Drinking Game, and unlike anything you've played before. Grab some friends, a stiff drink, and try to remember where you left your wizard hat the next morning."
"Drunkards and Flagons is an open ended RPG rules system designed for new players and veteran gamers alike. It’s a Roleplaying Game, a Drinking Game, and unlike anything you've played before. Grab some friends, a stiff drink, and try to remember where you left your wizard hat the next morning."