
PS4 and Xbox One users love to watch porncomment_here

ps4 xbox one porn 
Internet is for porn? 

I heard about this "PS4 and Xbox One porn" thing way back in November last year. But now i have started to understand how big this embarrassing issue has become for both Sony and Microsoft. Cuz big Porn sites such as "SugerDVD" and "Pornhub". Are already more than active on both the PS4 and the Xbox One.

But it seems like the Xbox One users spend more time watching porn, than the PS4 users do. At least if you choose to believe SugerDVD´s spokeperson Nicole Stetter.

“The average time spent per session varied quite a bit,” SugarDVD spokesperson Nicole Stetter told GamesBeat. “For PS4 users, it was 17 minutes versus 26 minutes with Xbox One users.”

"Simply put, the Xbox One is a gateway for porn of the future,” SugarDVD CEO Jax Smith said. “The PS4 is pretty, but Xbox One allows for more seamless integration and a more interactive experience.”

“Some are arguing the Xbox One is more of a family-oriented console, which might be contributing to the lessened porn activity,”SugarDVD CEO, Jax Smith


So what can we conclude out of all this? Well, not only are the PS4 and Xbox One a Gaming, entertainment and media system. It´s obviously also a gateway to porn and dirty cam sex sections as well. So how will Sony and Microsoft handle all this?

Cuz im quite sure that their making money out of the porn industry as well. Will they pretend like it rains? Or will they come clean about it? Time will tell.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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