
Plastic Surgery - The plastic surgery app for kidscomment_here

plastic surgery 
Plastic Surgery for 9 year olds. That sounds like a really good idea, NOT!

Just when you thought that the whole "Media wants you to look perfect" thing, couldn't possibly get any worse. Then i found out about the Plastic Surgery (made by Natalya Staritsyna and Corina Rodriguez) app for iOS and Android. It all started when i saw a tweet by EverydaySexism earlier today.

At first i thought that it was some kind of joke. But nope, it´s the real deal. And Plastic Surgery´s target group was small girls (9 years and up). It really made me sick to the stomach! Cuz How low can one sink to earn money?

Very low obviously. But justice got served in the end. Because both the iOS and Android version of Plastic Surgery, got pulled of the market not so long ago. Let´s just say that both Google and Apple couldn't avoid all the angry rants on internet.

I still don´t understand how the app got approved for the App store and Google Play store though. I mean, how gave the app thumbs up in the first place? We will probably never find out. But at least it feels good to know that Plastic Surgery are gone from the market.

The question is however, for how long?

About Plastic Surgery:
"Barbara likes to eat a lot of burgers and chocolates and once she found out that she looks ugly. She can’t make it up with this situation any additional second. And today plastic surgeon is going to make operation on her body and face in order to return cute Barbara’s look. She is afraid of all of this, but I know you will check that everything is over normally."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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