
Wicked Paradise - An erotic adventure game for Oculus Riftcomment_here

wicked paradise
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I bet that this came as no surprise for anyone. Cuz let´s be honest now. Because when a new piece of technology hits the market. The porr industry ain´t far behind. In other words, they adapt and take advantage of the new technology. 

Just take the virtual reality sex adventure game "Wicked Paradise" for example. It´s one of the very first erotic games for the Oculus Rift. It´s like a virtual reality version of Leisure Suit Larry. And i was quite surprised to find out that the team behind Wicked Paradise, have been working on games such as "COD, "PlanetSide 2" and "Lost Planet".

So they sure have the right skills to make awesome games. The question however. Would be if they have what it takes to make something awesome out of Wicked Paradise?. And from what i've have heard. Wicked Paradise are set for a release this year some time.

I have to admit though. I'm kind of curious about how bad (good?) Wicked Paradise will turn out to be. Well, time will tell!

"Wicked Paradise is developing the world’s first fully immersive Erotic Virtual Reality Adventure Game specifically designed to make use of the amazing capabilities of the Oculus Rift.

Instead of watching an erotic movie or reading an erotic book in which the main character has exciting sexual adventures, you become that character! 

Inside Wicked Paradise you are not watching someone else have all the fun, you are having all the fun!

What is this videogame like?

Imagine playing Leisure Suit Larry but instead of watching a screen, you are inside the game.
Imagine the world and its inhabitants look highly realistic.
Imagine walking into a bar in Wicked Paradise, noticing a beautiful lady, talking to her, and seducing her.
Imagine playing your cards right and having passionate wild sex with her.

Imagine all this in high quality, immersive virtual reality.

Welcome to Wicked Paradise!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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