Athene On FOX News - Gaming 4 life!
Athene did a really good job on Fox news I think.
It seemsl ike Athene´s little "PR-trick" really worked (the virtual hugs thing). Cuz he did end up on Fox news yesterday. And that really Is great news, cuz Gamers (and the Gaming community) has done quite a lot for people In need (charity and so on). That´s also what Athene tried to point out.
Take Pewdiepie for ex, he has raised a lot of money for the "charity: water" campaign. So imo, we can feel extra proud of being Gamers today. And Incase you missed the "Athene On FOX News" video, then just click the link ;)
The Steam holiday sale - It starts now!
Time to get broke again.
Before I got to bed (cuz I feel like crap thanks to this "hard to kill" cold of mine). I just wanted to tell you guys about the huge holiday sale at Steam (which started today). You can get games for like, 30, 50 to 75% off the regular price at the moment.
Hurry up though. Cuz the holiday sale ends on the 3th of January next year!
AviGaming - Mega Crate Unboxing!
So much cool and Geeky stuff. My eyes are melting!
If there is something that I really like, then It Is Geek/Gaming gear. That´s was also how I found out about AviGaming (Sara) on Youtube today. Cuz she really likes that kind of stuff as well. I mean, just checkout her "Mega Crate Unboxing!" video.
Pure insanity I tell you! But yeah, I really wish that I had that gun as well xD
Jonathan Blow´s own video get´s flagged by Youtube
Epic fail much?
The Youtube content ID system keeps on harvesting new victims. And one of the first big Youtube star that spoke up about Youtubes content ID system, was Angry Joe Show. 65 of Joe´s most popouler videos has been flagged and yanked off from Youtube.
We are talking about videos that has had millions, and millions of views. And videos that toke Angry Joe a very long time to make. While Im writing this, more and more people are getting the Axe on Youtube as we speak.
And less than a hour ago. Mr Jonathan Blow spilled the beans about his own game "The Witness" on Twitter. About his problems with copyright issuies on Youtube. Cuz his own video game video got flagged by Youtubes content ID system...
Ah, can you smell the huge dose of irony? I mean,the whole purpose behind the content ID system. Was to protect the original makers creations from theft. But when even the makers themselves, get flagged by the system.
Then what´s the point?I'm honestly starting to wonder what has happened to Youtube? This Is NOT the Youtube that I growed up with and feelt In love with. The new Youtube feels like some kind of fascist Internet service now days...
I honestly wouldn't be that much surprised If a lot of the Youtube creators get together, and sue the living shit out of Youtube In the near future. Cuz peoples lives (and income) are at stake here. So one could say that the revolution against Youtube has started.
The die is cast!
Brutal Doom v19 - The day Nine Inch Nails pays a visit

I don´t know If It´s true or not. But I read somewhere that the NIN logo were removed from the console version of Doom (due to copyright concerns).
This would pretty much be my very first article that I have written In 100% English on our homepage. But I guess that there´s a first time for everything. Why? Because we have heard complaints from both International readers and Indie developers.
Cuz, let´s face It. Most translation tools, plugins ect ect. Just doesn't work that well. I tried to translate som of our Swedish articles to English yesterday. And It just looked ridiculous. Also, for some strange reson. I feel much more confident when I write In English, I actually almos tfeel like a totally different person when I do write In English.
So we are going to give this a try, and see how It all turns out. But to get back on topic again. I started to play the "Thy flesh consumed" campaign yesterday (the very last episode of Brutal Doom), which Is THE hardest of campaigns In the original Doom.
And when you play Thy flesh consumed on the Black Metal difficulty. Then It's almost impossible to finish. Just take mr American McGee´s map "E4M1: Hell Beneath" for ex (that´s the very first map of Thy flesh consumed).
Hell Beneath are considered to be THE hardest of levels In the original Doom series (the first game). I would say that there´s zero room for mistakes. You can´t get hit, and you MUST not miss your own shots. But I did survive against all odds.
And I got a really nice reward as well. Cuz you can uncover a hidden Nine Inch Nails logo on the Hell Beneath level (If you survive the Barons of hell that Is). But besides that, Hell Beneath are one hell of a hard level to complete.
You basically have to be the real life version of the Doomguy, to be able to handle all the horrors of hell on that stage xD
"E4M1: Hell Beneath is the first map of Thy Flesh Consumed in Doom. It was designed by American McGee and uses the music track "Sign of Evil." On Ultra-Violence, it is believed to be one of the hardest levels not only of the episode but also in the entire Doom series. On this difficulty, there are no medikits or stimpacks; any additional health is limited to nine health bonuses, and there is only one piece of green armor. The easier difficulties have four medikits, two of which are available through a secret." -
Vart gick det snett med Alone In the dark serien?

Alone In The Dark må inte ha varit det första survival horror spelet. Men när den första delen släpptes 1992 så slog genren igenom på allvar.
Det är rätt tragiskt hur bra spelserier som tagit år att bygga upp kan gå i graven så snabbt. I det här fallet så syftar jag på Infogrames Alone In the dark serie (det är bara de tre första delarna som jag räknar som epic, del 4a är okej men del 5 är riktigt B).
Allt började gå åt helvete när Atari tog över AITD licensen. Man skulle kunna säga att de brutalt misshandlade licensen med del 4a för att sedan dela ut dödsstöten med del 5. Men en sak i taget. Dödsrasslet började redan med del 4 (The New nightmare från 2001, utvecklarna var Spiral House).
Helt världelöst var dock inte New Nightmare, klart spelvärt ialla fall (snittbetyget låg på 70% världen över). Men det var mycket som haltade och inte stämde. Buggar, dåliga kontroller, kameravinklar osv. Halshuggningen ägdeistället rum när del 5 hade release 2008, som Eden Games och Atari valde att bara kalla för "Alone In the Dark" (troligen så hade de tänkt reboota hela spelserien på nytt, men vi vet ju alla hur det gick...).

Den sista spiken i kistan för AITD serien kom i och med del 5. Sedan var det Game over.
2008 så vart Alone In the dark dödsförklarad offentligt inför en samlad spelpress och gamer värld. Spelet sågades sönder så pass illa, att ALLA som sålde spelen (360, PC, Wii osv) vart tvugna att chocksänka priserna på rekordsnabb tid.
Så, från att ha haft ett fullpris på 600kr, till att droppa ner till reapriser på runt 249kr på kanske bara någon månadstid. Fiaskot var nu ett faktum. Imo så är 2008 utgåvan utav AITD näst intill ospelbart. Det sägs dock att PS3 utgåvan (Alone in the Dark: Inferno) är helt okej.
Personligen så fattar jag inte hur man kan misslyckas så pass hårt som Eden Studios faktiskt gjorde. Men å andra sidan, Atari vände sig till en studio som tidigare bara utvecklat racing spel...(Test Drive: Unlimited 1+2, V-Rally 2+3 bla).
Själv vart jag både ledsen och arg som fan över hur Atari och Eden Studios hanterade den senaste delen utav Alone In the dark. Vad ska man göra som fan liksom? jo, det enda rätta. Att totalt förneka spelets existens och minnas seriens glansdagar. Det är ialla fall vad jag tänker göra.
R.I.P Alone In the dark.