Irate Gamer sucks - A whole page dedicated to hate
Why might one ask? Well, it seems like the Irate Gamer still steals other peoples work and creations for his own gain. And that makes me wonder, have anyone ever sued Irate Gamer? Because i honestly don´t know if that´s the case or not.
But one thing is for sure. If there´s one page on the internet that knows that (and more) for sure. Then it´s the Irate Game sucks blog page. What about AVGN himself then? Has he ever commented on the "Irate Gamer" thing?
In the matter of fact, yes he have. Way back in 2009 (at the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention) a AVGN fan asked AVGN about Irate Gamer. And this is what he said:
Fan: "What do you think of the Irate Gamer?"
AVGN: "I'll answer that as quickly as I can. Uh, I have no reason to answer it, I mean he pretty much pretends that I don't exist so why would I even need to say anything about him?"
And that´s basically all there is to it. But still, even though that was over 5 years ago. The hate between the Irate Gamer fans and the AVGN fans just continues. So one might wonder if the war will ever end?
Minecraft 1.8 and the Minecraft Doctor Who DLC
Due the fact that i have written very little about Minecraft lately (i´m sorry about that!). I just thought that it would be a great idea to do a combo post of the new Minecraft update (v1.8), and the upcoming 360 Doctor Who DLC. For starter, the new update will offer both fixes, new features and content (you can read all about it on Mojangs homepage).
And from what i´ve been told. The v1.8 update should be available for everyone now. Anyhow, on to the next Minecraft topic. Ah, yes. The Doctor Who DLC. That´s a real nice DLC indeed. It seems to be exclusive for the 360 players though (did you know that Minecraft has sold over 13 million units to the 360 so far?).
And it´s set for a release sometime this month =) (it´s all yours for $3!). In fact, this is what Rikesh Desa (Digital Entertainment and Games Director of BBC Worldwide UK) had to say about the Minecraft Doctor Who DLC:
“We’re constantly looking for new and innovative ways to bring Doctor Who content to our loyal fans. Working collaboratively with Microsoft, we’ve created an exciting new product which will allow Doctor Who fans to create their own brand new adventures in the heart of the iconic world of Minecraft.” - Digital Entertainment and Games Director of BBC Worldwide UK Rikesh Desa
Neat huh? Well, that´s all the Minecraft news that we have for now. So, game on people!
The Gaming petition is a fascade - The hard truth
So it was Boogie that started the "Stop the hate petition"? I had no idea (red).
Currently circulating around the internet is a petition to stop the hate ("the gaming industry please stop the hate", then there´s Andreas Zecher´s open letter to the video game industry) , and desecration of Game Developer’s ethics. Now understandably, we shouldn’t have discrimination in the gaming industry, or in life, especially after almost 500 years of settling our differences together, and separately. Now we at (TGG), don’t endorse segregation, discrimination, nor do we support any organizations, or persons who do.
Having said this, we will display our own opinions, just as everyone else has, and will continue to do since the creation of the 5th estate. Should our opinions in the ensuing article offend anyone, in any capacity, we thoroughly apologize, however there are several inaccuracies with this petition that it is our duty to speak upon.
Gamers believe that everyone, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion has the right to play games, criticize games and make games without getting harassed or threatened. It is the diversity of our community that allows games to flourish.
when we see threats of violence or harm in comments on Steam, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook or reddit, we ALWAYS take a minute to report them on the respective sites.
WHENEVER we see hateful, harassing speech, take a public stand against it and make the gaming community a more enjoyable space to be in.
We are asking indie developers, AAA developers, and other folks to stop branding gamers as neckbearded, misogynistic, hatefueled, ignorant, homophobic, idiots.
While hate exists in ALL demographics, gamers are no exception. However like most demographics, most gamers are kind, open minded, good hearted and love our fellow gamers.
Stop the hate.
Some of the major signatures of this petition, are also some of the biggest contributors to the very issues that they are seeking to rectify. Zoe Quinn, and Ubisoft, who are major proponents in the fight for equality, tolerance, and acceptance. However recently, Ubisoft caused a twitter tirade to be launched at them called #womenaretoohardtoanimate for their exclusion of women from Assassin’s Creed Unity.
“Gaming has been a large part of my life for a long time. To see people willfully drag its name through the mud with journalistic scandals really offends me. Standards and professionalism should be a common place!”
- signer of the petition
“I am a Game Developer who is sick of the industry forgetting who built it.”
-signer of the petiton
They also came under fire for not having a Gay main character lead one of their titles, even though they prominently contest that they can’t foresee the inclusion point. Far Cry 4’s antagonist is said to be gay, however this most likely came about due to their backlash in the gaming community.
Zoe Quinn….well if you haven’t heard about her, then there’s not really a need for google, and that’s where we will leave that. Getting back on topic, if the same people who develop games, and desperately need us the consumer who wields their fate in our wallets to buy them, why do we get insulted on social media for having a difference of opinion about their product?
The answer: It’s for the same reason you don’t see Nathan Grayson’s signature on the petition. It’s because it’s too obvious. We’re groomed to believe that we are by default appreciated, and loved by the game developers, only to be put down akin to a Barbie doll when their game hits maturity on store shelves.
Now what does this correlation have to do with the petition you might ask? The relationship that they hold with us when they need something is pretty astonishing (the petition), but once we serve our purpose back to the closet we go (insulting innocents on social media).
If we take a look at their social media profiles after entries in Anita Sarkeesian’s Tropes vs. Women series came out, and Zoe Quinn’s situation there’s an obvious difference.
Once the criticism did reach its pinnacle for said situations, the internet responded, and we have the result in the form of this petition. Now the underlying issue that we can clearly see with this, is the blatant hypocrisy that the signers of this petition, that they ultimately crafted, and helped to bring about have decided to renounce their own ideals, and actions. The worst thing is, that they are asking us to become participants in their lip synching.
We should never be influenced to feel a certain way, or told we’re wrong for stating our opinions. However when those who are casting stones live in a glass house, we shouldn’t be so quick to follow their lead, nor their cause.
Anita Sarkeesian Vs The haters and the critics

Anita Sarkeesian, doing her thing.
This is going to get really, really ugly. So before i start grinding some teeth. 1. I do NOT hate women 2. I´m all for equality 3. Yes, sexism exists in video games (and sadly enough all over the world), and 4. I do NOT think it´s alright for people to send death threats to anyone (no matter how different their opinions may be).
With that said, let´s rock! (as my hero Al Bundy would have said). First of all, this whole thing with the video game industry sucking up to Anita Sarkeesian. What´s the deal with that? There´s tons of evidence on the internet that proves her wrong (it´s right there. It´s been around for over a year now. Google it!).
And i just heard that Anita received a Ambassador Award at GDC 2014. Well, that´s nice, right? It would be, if it wasn't for the fact that she was given the award for all the wrong reasons. Come on people, it´s pretty damn obvious that she´s just exploiting the video game industry (it´s time to wake up people. Reality is calling!).
Yes, she throwed some light over a big issue in the video game industry. True. But some would say that she only did it becouse of the money. And then i heard about the online petition. Were 2,000 people have signed a open letter to end discrimination in the gaming industry.
Because apparently Anita had to leave her home irl. Due some really aggressive death threats (read the full story via BBC). That´s just sick, no doubt about it (whatsoever). But rumours has it that Anita has staged a lot of these threats to get free PR and sympathies (which then leads to even more money).
I can´t prove any of that. But i do know that there´s a lot of hate aimed towards Anita Sarkeesian (because i have seen it with my own eye´s on Twitter). So this whole thing with Anita are way deeper than you could imagine.
There´s parts that´s not true, and there´s parts that´s true (proven facts). Then we got all the rumours/specilations and conspiracy theories on top of that. But even so, there´s a number of things that´s cristal clear.
2. Sexism is a problem. And not just in the world of Gaming. We need to deal with it asap.
3. Internet trolls and haters get off way too easy for their crimes (i´m talking about the extreme cases. Death threats and so on).
4. Anita is not a fool. She´s a very smart person. So she´s using her "skills" and a very obvious issue (sexism in the video game industry), for her own personal gain (through heavly angled and edited videos. So that it suits her own oppinions and statements).
Whit that said. I´ve got nothing personal agaínst Anita Sarkeesian (whatsoever). And i will not try to justify any of the things that she´s been exposed to (the evil deeds that i have seen myself). Because that´s not how you debate (or act for that matter).
And keep in mind, every coin has two sides to it. So take a look at BOTH sides of the coin, before you shape your own opinion on this topic. A good start would be to watch Thunderf00t´s, MichaelMateria´s and Doll Divine Dress Up Games´s videos on Anita Sarkeesian.
And watch the latest video of Anita Sarkeesian (which i have added down below). Then you are free to draw your own conclusions. Just keep things nice and clean people. Because there´s enough hate in the world as it already is.
Anita Sarkeesian- BUSTED! - By Thunderf00t
The Video Game Industry Needs to Stop Kissing Anita Sarkeesian's Ass - By MichaelMateria
Female Game Developer's response to Tropes vs Women - Doll Divine Dress Up Games
Pewdiepie disables his comments on Youtube
And that´s the reason why Pewdiepie says goodbye to the comments on Youtube. Instead he will use Twitter and Reddit to communicate with his audience (fans). There´s however a flipside to that strategy. Just take the case with Totalbiscuit, when he made the same exact move (not so long ago).
His Reddit site just exploded with evil and mean comments. So, yeah. Pewdiepie might just have jumped out of the ashes, and right into the hellfire. But hopefully that won´t be the case. I also noticed some rather interesting comments about Pewdiepie´s decision to turn off his Youtube comments.
Check em out!
"He did that to promote his social media presence and popularize his reddit page. This is a common tactic...totalbiscuit's reddit blew up after he did this. U are a fool for falling for this very funny"
"And their other Social Media channels will create better discussion. In the words of Totalbiscuit; Trolls are incredibly lazy and the more clicks it takes for them to comment the less of them there wil be."
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - 1 year anniversary
Time really flies by when you're having fun.
Beastie Boys once sang "No sleep to Brooklyn" (in their song with the same name). But that would fit rather well in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. If we just changed the lyrics to "No sleep to Final Fantasy XIV". Why? Because people have been live streaming the 1 year anniversary for days now.
Some players has even done 24-48 hour streams. So, yeah. It´s party time in the land of A Realm Reborn. And it seems like the party will be around for a few more days. So if you feel like partying with the rest of the Final Fantasy XIV fans.
Then join the fun today ;)
Press release:
Nordic, 28th August, 2014 – The first anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XIV®: A Realm Reborn™ has arrived! With the celebrations in full swing, fans are invited to view a series of special, commemorative messages from members of the development team, and key SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd., company executives.
From today until the 13th September, personal messages to fans, detailing the journey and memories of those involved, will be posted daily on the dedicated FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn anniversary website - culminating in a special message from Producer / Director, Naoki Yoshida.
To mark the occasion, commemorative messages from President and CEO of SQUARE ENIX Group - Yosuke Matsuda, Yoichi Wada, and FINAL FANTASY Brand Manager; Shinji Hashimoto can already be viewed on the official anniversary website.
“Thanks to acclaim from players from around the world, we are able to be here today, announcing the first anniversary of A Realm Reborn” said Yosuke Matsuda. “This would not be possible without the generous support of our players, and I would like to offer you all my deepest gratitude”.
Yoichi Wada also thanked players around the world; “Thank you for playing FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. For me, the most memorable part of this journey was the "End of an Era" trailer. I remember how deeply moved I was, seeing that we did in fact make FFXIV a true FINAL FANTASY title.”
The first three messages, courtesy of Yosuke Matsuda, Yoichi Wada and Shinji Hashimoto, are now available on the official FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn anniversary page.
With posts scheduled daily, fans should keep an eye on the official anniversary page over the next two weeks for more special messages; and for more details on all upcoming celebratory events and activities.