
Anita Sarkeesian Vs The haters and the criticscomment_here

anita sarkeesian internet war
Anita Sarkeesian, doing her thing.

This is going to get really, really ugly. So before i start grinding some teeth. 1. I do NOT hate women 2. I´m all for equality 3. Yes, sexism exists in video games (and sadly enough all over the world), and 4. I do NOT think it´s alright for people to send death threats to anyone (no matter how different their opinions may be).

With that said, let´s rock! (as  my hero Al Bundy would have said). First of all, this whole thing with the video game industry sucking up to Anita Sarkeesian. What´s the deal with that? There´s tons of evidence on the internet that proves her wrong (it´s right there. It´s been around for over a year now. Google it!).

And i just heard that Anita received a Ambassador Award at GDC 2014. Well, that´s nice, right? It would be, if it wasn't for the fact that she was given the award for all the wrong reasons. Come on people, it´s pretty damn obvious that she´s just exploiting the video game industry (it´s time to wake up people. Reality is calling!).

Yes, she throwed some light over a big issue in the video game industry. True. But some would say that she only did it becouse of the money. And then i heard about the online petition. Were  2,000 people have signed a open letter to end discrimination in the gaming industry.

Because apparently Anita had to leave her home irl. Due some really aggressive death threats (read the full story via BBC). That´s just sick, no doubt about it (whatsoever). But rumours has it that Anita has staged a lot of these threats to get free PR and sympathies (which then leads to even more money).

I can´t prove any of that. But i do know that there´s a lot of hate aimed towards Anita Sarkeesian (because i have seen it with my own eye´s on Twitter). So this whole thing with Anita are way deeper than you could imagine.

There´s parts that´s not true, and there´s parts that´s true (proven facts). Then we got all the rumours/specilations and conspiracy theories on top of that. But even so, there´s a number of things that´s cristal clear.

1. We should ALL critize the video game industry (for the good of everyone)

2. Sexism is a problem. And not just in the world of Gaming. We need to deal with it asap.

3. Internet trolls and haters get off way too easy for their crimes (i´m talking about the extreme cases. Death threats and so on).

4. Anita is not a fool. She´s a very smart person. So she´s using her "skills" and a very obvious issue (sexism in the video game industry), for her own personal gain (through heavly angled and edited videos. So that it suits her own oppinions and statements).

Whit that said. I´ve got nothing personal agaínst Anita Sarkeesian (whatsoever). And i will not try to justify any of the things that she´s been exposed to (the evil deeds that i have seen myself). Because that´s not how you debate (or act for that matter).

And keep in mind, every coin has two sides to it. So take a look at BOTH sides of the coin, before you shape your own opinion on this topic. A good start would be to watch Thunderf00t´s, MichaelMateria´s and Doll Divine Dress Up Games´s videos on Anita Sarkeesian.

And watch the latest video of Anita Sarkeesian (which i have added down below). Then you are free to draw your own conclusions. Just keep things nice and clean people. Because there´s enough hate in the world as it already is.

Anita Sarkeesian- BUSTED! - By Thunderf00t

The Video Game Industry Needs to Stop Kissing Anita Sarkeesian's Ass - By MichaelMateria

Female Game Developer's response to Tropes vs Women - Doll Divine Dress Up Games

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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