
Pewdiepie disables his comments on Youtubecomment_here

pewdiepie no more youtube comments
Pewdiepie ain´t a fan of the Youtube comments anymore.

This came as no surprise to me. In fact, i´m still somewhat surprise that it has taken this long for Pewdiepie to disable his comments on Youtube. I mean, he has over 30 million subscribers nowadays. So that of course means a lot of haters, trolls and hateful comments.

And that´s the reason why Pewdiepie says goodbye to the comments on Youtube. Instead he will use Twitter and Reddit to communicate with his audience (fans). There´s however a flipside to that strategy. Just take the case with Totalbiscuit, when he made the same exact move (not so long ago).

His Reddit site just exploded with evil and mean comments. So, yeah. Pewdiepie might just have jumped out of the ashes, and right into the hellfire. But hopefully that won´t be the case. I also noticed some rather interesting comments about Pewdiepie´s decision to turn off his Youtube comments.

Check em out!
"Not only did he turn off Comments, he also addressed the fact most people are failing to do the Ice Bucket challenge properly and explained ALS to all of his subscribers. I've said it before and I'll do it again, I may not like Pewdiepie much but Felix seems to be a really nice guy."

"He did that to promote his social media presence and popularize his reddit page. This is a common tactic...totalbiscuit's reddit blew up after he did this. U are a fool for falling for this very funny"

"And their other Social Media channels will create better discussion. In the words of Totalbiscuit; Trolls are incredibly lazy and the more clicks it takes for them to comment the less of them there wil be."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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