
Irate Gamer sucks - A whole page dedicated to hatecomment_here

irate gamer
Chris Bores Aka Irate Gamer. 
I honestly thought that the whole chapter with AVGN fans vs Irate Gamer fans was an closed one. But no, i was wrong. Because apparently the hate between the two fanbases are still as strong as it was back then (when all the anti Irate Gamer videos started to show up on Youtube).

Why might one ask? Well, it seems like the Irate Gamer still steals other peoples work and creations for his own gain. And that makes me wonder, have anyone ever sued Irate Gamer? Because i honestly don´t know if that´s the case or not.

But one thing is for sure. If there´s one page on the internet that knows that (and more) for sure. Then it´s the Irate Game sucks blog page. What about AVGN himself then? Has he ever commented on the "Irate Gamer" thing?

In the matter of fact, yes he have. Way back in 2009 (at the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention) a AVGN fan asked AVGN about Irate Gamer. And this is what he said:

Fan: "What do you think of the Irate Gamer?"

AVGN: "I'll answer that as quickly as I can. Uh, I have no reason to answer it, I mean he pretty much pretends that I don't exist so why would I even need to say anything about him?"

And that´s basically all there is to it. But still, even though that was over 5 years ago. The hate between the Irate Gamer fans and the AVGN fans just continues. So one might wonder if the war will ever end?

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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