
Pewdiepie speaks up about haters and death threats

Haters gonna hate. Ain´t i right Pewdiepie?

Normally i don't read newspapers. Well, at least not the Swedish newspapers (because it´is pure garbage). But the other day i actually read a story about Pewdiepie (Felix Kjellberg). Most of us know more than well who is by know.

Because Pewdiepie has been a Youtube star for a long time now. And he totally dominates Youtube nowadays. So i wasn't surprised to hear that he have received a lot of hateful comments and e-mails.But i had no clue that people have threatened to kill Pewdiepie irl.   

I have no idea why somebody would do anything like that. But then again, i still remember what happened to Athene and his charity project (one guy donated a lot of money with fake creditcards). 

Then we have the all so famous case with Totalbiscuit (you can read his story on Reddit. Or, you could just check his Twitter page). Me, i respect and look up to both Athene, Pewdiepie and Totalbiscuit. And honestly, i have never EVER written a hateful comment on anyone´s video or homepage.

Because i would never do such a thing. But even though i´m not even close to the fame of Pewdiepie. I have still recived a lot of hate and treats as well. And sadly enough that´s the price you have to pay for success and fame.

I´m quite sure that it´s all about jealousy. At least most of the time. Because these people don´t know you on a personal level. And in my case, i get hateful comments on a daily basis now. So i can just imagine the amount of hate Pewdiepie have to deal with every day (he earned about 3,4 million dollars last year. So the haters are hating like never before).
So it´s all about HOW you handle the hate that´s aimed towards you. Because if you don´t handle it in a good way. Then the hate will eat you up from the inside. I know that it's somewhat selfish. But i sure hope that we (O.J and i) won´t experience that much hate (even if we become big stars).

But if we do. Then we just have to deal with it. Btw, don´t forget to listen to "Sommar i P1" (a Swedish radio program. Because Pewdiepie was a part of that show just recently (he talked about his fame, haters and so on).

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Secret of Monkey Island - The Scumm Bar

lego monkey island
I soooo need this in my life!

Sometimes you have to wait a really, really long time for something that you really want. But you know what. I´m totally cool with that, as long as the produkt/service (or whatever it is) has been worth all the wait. And i have been waiting for a Monkey Island lego set to happen since the 90s.

I mean, just think about it. Lego + Monkey Island, it´s bloody briliant! And now it´s about to happen for real. And it´s all thanks to a Italian women named Alessandra (she´s a hardcore Monkey Island fan). Because she works really hard to get LEGO to make a Monkey Island lego set (The Scumm Bar).

And it will happen IF Alessandra manages to get 10,000 supporters within 347 days from now. Which i think she will, because she already has +500 supporters after just one day. So come on people, let´s make this happen!

About The Secret of Monkey Island : The Scumm Bar:
"Hi everyone! My name's Alessandra, I'm italian and I'm a big fan of both Monkey Island and the famous LEGO bricks. How many of you think that the adventure games's characters could be adapt in a representation in the LEGO brick form? Why no one has ever tried yet? Well, here I am taking care of it :) I choose the Scumm Bar because I believe is one of the most iconic scenery of Monkey Island, and also I think it's well suitable to be converted into a LEGO set.

I could have chosen LeChuck's pirate ship, but LEGO is plenty of pirate ships, so I thought I'd never be able to create one at least comparable with one of those. What can we do in order to have a Scumm Bar copy at home? SUPPORT AND SHARE!!! Another important thing: keep an eye on the Updates tab! We're improving the Scumm Bar with new details!In the next days I'll post the images :)"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Mutant Epoch - The epic mutant RPG board game

the mutant epoch
My kind of RPG board game.

Mutants have been a big part of my life for many years now. It started with Doom Troppers (a card game), and then i moved on to the most famous mutant game series ever made. Fallout. And that was back in the 90s. But still, mutants are still around.

Mainly becouse of movies, games, books and board games. And speaking of board games. Have you guys ever heard of Outland Arts mutant RPG board game "The Mutant Epoch"? If not, you should check the game out asap.

Because The Mutant Epoch are a must play for everyone that loves RPG´s, board games and mutants. And right now you can get the "Megaton Mail Order Bundle" for $79.99+shipping. So, are you guys up for some awesome board game Gaming?

About The Mutant Epoch - The Megaton Bundle: 
"This is it! Everything you need to start running The Mutant Epoch Role-Playing Game!
Get it all in one box! This set includes a stack of our books, 32 game sheets, bookmarks, a pencil, set of polyhedron dice and a limited edition, hand pulled, hand painted, signed, polyhedron dice lino print. In addition, you also get a PDF copy of the Hub Rules, or any other book in our line instead, delivered electronically as soon as we get your order so you can get started right away!

What a deal! The four books contained in this set retail at $96.96 alone. At $79.99 you already save $16.97 before all the other extras are added in! We only keep a limited supply of inventory at our game design studio so order your box today!"

The Megaton Bundle Includes:
- The Mutant Epoch RPG Hub Rules signed and sealed by the author
- The Mall of Doom adventure TME-1
- Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins
- Excavator Monthly Compendium
- 20 character sheets
- GM sheet screen inserts (8 sheets*) How used?
- 4 GM's Party reference sheets
- 5 TME bookmarks
- Pencil
- Set of polyhedron dice See them here
- Limited edition, hand pulled, hand painted, signed, polyhedron dice lino print. See it here
- Free PDF of any book in our line**

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Rob Pardo leaves Blizzard after 17 years

rob pardo blizzard
Thank you for all the great memories Rob.

This ain´t exactly "news", because it´s been known for quite some time now. So i´m just going to give my 5 cents on Rob Pardo´s departure from Blizzard. First of all, Rob Pardo have been a big part of Blizzard for the last 17 years.

I mean, Rob have worked on famous Blizzard games such as Starcraft, Diablo 2,3, Warcraft 2 and Wow (as a designer). So yeah, this is going to hurt a lot on the behalf of Blizzard. And the fans are pretty worried as well (so i bet Blizzards stockholders are quite nervous too).

And as far as i know. Blizzard have no replacement for Pardo at the moment either. So i bet that Blizzard feel like Miami Heat at the moment (they lost Lebron James Aka "King James" to Cleveland Cavaliers).

So it´s going to be a rather shaky year for Blizzard. But the question remains, how well will Blizzard do without Rob Pardo? And WHO will fill out his shoes? If you ask me for my opinion on all this. Well, it´s rather sad really.

Because Rob have worked on some of my favorite games. But at the same time, If Rob want´s to move on and parachute his dreams and goals else where. Then he should be able to do so. I just hope that he will be able to find his grove again, so that we will get the chance to play some more epic games of his.

The original open-letter from Rob Pardo on the Blizzard forum:
"Every ending is a beginning and today marks a new beginning for me. After 17 years at Blizzard, with long and careful contemplation, I have made a difficult and bittersweet but ultimately exciting decision to pursue the next chapter in my life and career. Before I even joined Blizzard, I was already a huge fan of the company and its games. In particular, I was extremely passionate about the emerging genre of real-time strategy games. It was a dream come true when I was given the opportunity to work on StarCraft, which at the time was being created by a very small team by today’s standards.

It was tremendously fulfilling to get to know everyone on the team personally and to contribute our energies toward a shared goal in such a creative and engaging environment. Blizzard Entertainment has been simply the best place in the world to be a game designer. The best aspect of designing games at Blizzard is that the entire company is passionate about the gameplay within each and every product. From the executive team to customer service to our global offices, every single person is a player and contributes to making the best possible games.

It’s for very good reason that the first credit on every Blizzard game is “Game Design by Blizzard Entertainment.” I’m really proud of the contributions I was able to make to Blizzard’s accomplishments. From building lasting games, to supporting the growth of eSports, to extending the Warcraft world into a feature film, and of course to being able to celebrate our shared passions with the Blizzard community online and at BlizzCon. The Blizzard community is ultimately the reason why we come to work every day and pour our souls into every world and experience we create.

Blizzard’s players are the most passionate in the world and your commitment and dedication are truly awesome to behold. Creating entertainment for you has been an incredible opportunity, and I know that you will continue to grow and become even stronger as a community over the years to come. It has been so meaningful on a personal level to help create joy for all of you. I’m looking forward to new challenges in my career, but I will always cherish the time I spent with you all and the amazing and collaborative teams at Blizzard. It was both satisfying and humbling, and it made me a better developer and a better person.

I look forward to playing Blizzard games as a player for many years to come. Most important, now I have plenty of time to learn how to build a competitive Hearthstone deck. As to what I will be doing next, I don’t have an answer for you yet . . . but I will “when it’s ready.” My priorities are to enjoy the summer with my family, play plenty of games, and think about what’s next.

The game industry is such an exciting place right now with PC gaming thriving, the new consoles, mobile games, and virtual reality becoming an actual reality. It’s like having an empty quest log and going into a new zone for the first time. In the past, I haven’t been the most avid Twitter user, but I’ll strive to do better and keep you updated there—@Rob_Pardo. Please stay in touch! Rob" - 
Rob Pardo, ex chief creative officer Blizzard

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Mega Man Unlimited and Mega Man Revolution

mega man unlimited and revolution
Two of the very best fan made Mega Man games to date. 

If you are a Mega Man fan. Then you can't afford to miss out on this. Because Mega Man Unlimited and Mega Man Revolution just happens to be two kick ass fan made productions. And it was just pure luck that i even found out about them (Thanks for the tip Cecilthedarknight234!).

And both Revolution and Unlimited are free-to-play games. So just download them and enjoy the people ;) Game on!

About Mega Man Revolution:
"Mike Crain has been a fan of Mega Man since he was about six years old and eventually wanted to make his own Mega Man game. He got together some of the most brilliant minds out there he could find to piece together what is known as Mega Man Revolution."

About Megaman Unlimited:
"Megaman Unlimited is a Megaman fan-game in the classic 8-Bit NES style both in sound and visuals. It is similar to Megaman 3 and Megaman 9-10 in design philosophy. MMU is made by fans for fun. It is not related to the official series’ canon. We are not making money with this project, as the Megaman brand is the property of Capcom.

This project has been under development for roughly 5 years, working in our free time after work nearly every day. While in the NES 8-Bit style, Megaman Unlimited is made using currently existing technology and thus won’t work on an NES or on an old computer. Our goal was to have fun making this game and not necessarily following every technical limitations of the NES."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

League of Legends Cinematic - A New Dawn

league of legends a new dawn
Ahri are by far my favourit LOL character :3

As we all know. There´s a Wow movie in the making. But i have to admit that i´m far more interested in seeing a LOL movie (League of Legends). Especially if the guy (girl) behind the new LOL "cinematic movie" works on it. Because just imagine if he/she made a full length LOL movie.

I mean, how freaking awesome wouldn't that beon a scale 1 to 10? Just take my money already!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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