
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - 1 year anniversarycomment_here

final fantasy xiv a realm reborn  
Time really flies by when you're having fun.

Beastie Boys once sang "No sleep to Brooklyn" (in their song with the same name). But that would fit rather well in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. If we just changed the lyrics to "No sleep to Final Fantasy XIV". Why? Because people have been live streaming the 1 year anniversary for days now.

Some players has even done 24-48 hour streams. So, yeah. It´s party time in the land of A Realm Reborn. And it seems like the party will be around for a few more days. So if you feel like partying with the rest of the Final Fantasy XIV fans.

Then join the fun today ;)

Press release:
Nordic, 28th August, 2014 – The first anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XIV®: A Realm Reborn™ has arrived! With the celebrations in full swing, fans are invited to view a series of special, commemorative messages from members of the development team, and key SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd., company executives.

From today until the 13th September, personal messages to fans, detailing the journey and memories of those involved, will be posted daily on the dedicated FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn anniversary website - culminating in a special message from Producer / Director, Naoki Yoshida.

To mark the occasion, commemorative messages from President and CEO of SQUARE ENIX Group - Yosuke Matsuda, Yoichi Wada, and FINAL FANTASY Brand Manager; Shinji Hashimoto can already be viewed on the official anniversary website.

“Thanks to acclaim from players from around the world, we are able to be here today, announcing the first anniversary of A Realm Reborn” said Yosuke Matsuda. “This would not be possible without the generous support of our players, and I would like to offer you all my deepest gratitude”.

Yoichi Wada also thanked players around the world; “Thank you for playing FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. For me, the most memorable part of this journey was the "End of an Era" trailer. I remember how deeply moved I was, seeing that we did in fact make FFXIV a true FINAL FANTASY title.”

The first three messages, courtesy of Yosuke Matsuda, Yoichi Wada and Shinji Hashimoto, are now available on the official FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn anniversary page.

With posts scheduled daily, fans should keep an eye on the official anniversary page over the next two weeks for more special messages; and for more details on all upcoming celebratory events and activities.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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