Pewdiepie speaks up about haters and death threats
Haters gonna hate. Ain´t i right Pewdiepie?
Normally i don't read newspapers. Well, at least not the Swedish newspapers (because it´is pure garbage). But the other day i actually read a story about Pewdiepie (Felix Kjellberg). Most of us know more than well who is by know.
Because Pewdiepie has been a Youtube star for a long time now. And he totally dominates Youtube nowadays. So i wasn't surprised to hear that he have received a lot of hateful comments and e-mails.But i had no clue that people have threatened to kill Pewdiepie irl.
I have no idea why somebody would do anything like that. But then again, i still remember what happened to Athene and his charity project (one guy donated a lot of money with fake creditcards).
Then we have the all so famous case with Totalbiscuit (you can read his story on Reddit. Or, you could just check his Twitter page). Me, i respect and look up to both Athene, Pewdiepie and Totalbiscuit. And honestly, i have never EVER written a hateful comment on anyone´s video or homepage.
Because i would never do such a thing. But even though i´m not even close to the fame of Pewdiepie. I have still recived a lot of hate and treats as well. And sadly enough that´s the price you have to pay for success and fame.
I´m quite sure that it´s all about jealousy. At least most of the time. Because these people don´t know you on a personal level. And in my case, i get hateful comments on a daily basis now. So i can just imagine the amount of hate Pewdiepie have to deal with every day (he earned about 3,4 million dollars last year. So the haters are hating like never before).
So it´s all about HOW you handle the hate that´s aimed towards you. Because if you don´t handle it in a good way. Then the hate will eat you up from the inside. I know that it's somewhat selfish. But i sure hope that we (O.J and i) won´t experience that much hate (even if we become big stars).
But if we do. Then we just have to deal with it. Btw, don´t forget to listen to "Sommar i P1" (a Swedish radio program. Because Pewdiepie was a part of that show just recently (he talked about his fame, haters and so on).