
The Mutant Epoch - The epic mutant RPG board gamecomment_here

the mutant epoch
My kind of RPG board game.

Mutants have been a big part of my life for many years now. It started with Doom Troppers (a card game), and then i moved on to the most famous mutant game series ever made. Fallout. And that was back in the 90s. But still, mutants are still around.

Mainly becouse of movies, games, books and board games. And speaking of board games. Have you guys ever heard of Outland Arts mutant RPG board game "The Mutant Epoch"? If not, you should check the game out asap.

Because The Mutant Epoch are a must play for everyone that loves RPG´s, board games and mutants. And right now you can get the "Megaton Mail Order Bundle" for $79.99+shipping. So, are you guys up for some awesome board game Gaming?

About The Mutant Epoch - The Megaton Bundle: 
"This is it! Everything you need to start running The Mutant Epoch Role-Playing Game!
Get it all in one box! This set includes a stack of our books, 32 game sheets, bookmarks, a pencil, set of polyhedron dice and a limited edition, hand pulled, hand painted, signed, polyhedron dice lino print. In addition, you also get a PDF copy of the Hub Rules, or any other book in our line instead, delivered electronically as soon as we get your order so you can get started right away!

What a deal! The four books contained in this set retail at $96.96 alone. At $79.99 you already save $16.97 before all the other extras are added in! We only keep a limited supply of inventory at our game design studio so order your box today!"

The Megaton Bundle Includes:
- The Mutant Epoch RPG Hub Rules signed and sealed by the author
- The Mall of Doom adventure TME-1
- Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins
- Excavator Monthly Compendium
- 20 character sheets
- GM sheet screen inserts (8 sheets*) How used?
- 4 GM's Party reference sheets
- 5 TME bookmarks
- Pencil
- Set of polyhedron dice See them here
- Limited edition, hand pulled, hand painted, signed, polyhedron dice lino print. See it here
- Free PDF of any book in our line**

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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