
The Secret of Monkey Island - The Scumm Barcomment_here

lego monkey island
I soooo need this in my life!

Sometimes you have to wait a really, really long time for something that you really want. But you know what. I´m totally cool with that, as long as the produkt/service (or whatever it is) has been worth all the wait. And i have been waiting for a Monkey Island lego set to happen since the 90s.

I mean, just think about it. Lego + Monkey Island, it´s bloody briliant! And now it´s about to happen for real. And it´s all thanks to a Italian women named Alessandra (she´s a hardcore Monkey Island fan). Because she works really hard to get LEGO to make a Monkey Island lego set (The Scumm Bar).

And it will happen IF Alessandra manages to get 10,000 supporters within 347 days from now. Which i think she will, because she already has +500 supporters after just one day. So come on people, let´s make this happen!

About The Secret of Monkey Island : The Scumm Bar:
"Hi everyone! My name's Alessandra, I'm italian and I'm a big fan of both Monkey Island and the famous LEGO bricks. How many of you think that the adventure games's characters could be adapt in a representation in the LEGO brick form? Why no one has ever tried yet? Well, here I am taking care of it :) I choose the Scumm Bar because I believe is one of the most iconic scenery of Monkey Island, and also I think it's well suitable to be converted into a LEGO set.

I could have chosen LeChuck's pirate ship, but LEGO is plenty of pirate ships, so I thought I'd never be able to create one at least comparable with one of those. What can we do in order to have a Scumm Bar copy at home? SUPPORT AND SHARE!!! Another important thing: keep an eye on the Updates tab! We're improving the Scumm Bar with new details!In the next days I'll post the images :)"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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