
Dying Light - Dead Island 3?

dying light logo
Dying Light are a TBA 2014 title.

I'm probably not the only person that sees Techland´s "Dying Light" as the unofficial version of Dead Island 3. But who can blame me for having those thoughts really? I mean, Dying Light both looks and feels like a Dead Island game (the game uses the Chrome Engine 6 motor).

But there seems to be one hell of a twist to Dying Light. For starter, the players can go parkour on the zombies asses. Or, you can use your Parkour skills to escape you enimes (jump, climb, glide and so on). So that means that you can be way more creative in Dying Light, than you could in Dead Island.

You also have way more options to reach your goals now (how to get there. And how to finish your tasks). The enemies also seem to be a whole lot smarter in Dying Light (the a.i). So i am very pumped up to play Dying Light.

But at this time. Dying Light are still a TBA title for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One and 360. And there haven't been a new Dying Light video for months. So we can only hope that Techland are preparing something really nice to show us during the E3 event this summer.

About Dying Light:
"Dying Light is a first-person, action survival horror game set in a vast and dangerous open world. During the day, players traverse an expansive urban environment overrun by a vicious outbreak, scavenging the world for supplies and crafting weapons to defend against the growing infected population. At night, the hunter becomes the hunted, as the infected become aggressive and more dangerous. Most frightening are the predators which only appear after sundown. Players must use everything in their power to survive until the morning’s first light."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

GTA 5 Online - How to stop instantly online glitch

gta5 trippyglitcherhd
Stop instantly like a boss!

I just woke up and found out that TrippyGlitcherHD now follows us on Youtube (he has +70K subs on Youtube, and +45K followers on Twitter). That sure made my day =) But there´s more good news.  Because TrippyGlitcherHD just happens to be a very avid GTA5 player.

I just checked his GTA5 videos out. And TrippyGlitcherHD have made some pretty crazy videos. And many of them also includes tips and hints for other GTA5 players. Just take the video down below for example. In that video he shows us how to stop Instantly (break) at any speed.

And that´s a pretty useful bug/glitch to take advantage of (so i bet). So, check the video out ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

War Thunder update v1.39 goes live!

war thunder
War Thunder 1.39 are now live!

Gaijin Entertainment keeps on working really hard to keep War Thunder alive and kicking. And that´s also why Gaijin has rolled out the v1.39 patch for War Thunder. And that patch offers new maps, missions, new planes and much more!

So if you haven't downloaded the 1.39 patch yet. Then do it asap!

Press release:
"(MOSCOW, RUSSIAN FEDERATION) – April 17, 2014 - Gaijin Entertainment has announced that update 1.39 for their WWII MMO mega-hit War Thunder is live. This major update is a milestone for Gaijin Entertainment as they release several new features including support for user generated content, squadron battles, the addition of even more planes, and early access to Ground Forces Expansion.

War Thunder now supports user generated content and players have access to special downloadable tools. From now on users are able to create their own planes, from adding tiny details inside the cockpit to truly personalizing their plane's skin or creating a totally new model. A quick-check system ensures that newly created planes fit within the game's parameters before allowing players to use them on local PC's in custom missions or share them with the community.

Players can go one-step further in the creative process by using a stand-alone maps and missions editor. Players can ingeniously build upon existing maps, using them as a blueprint, or go off on an inspired tangent to devise their own brand of new maps. Players can share as well as test out user generated content via a special area housed within the War Thunder forum. Instructions for the creation of content can be found here:

1.39 also offers Squadron Battles – competitive events for player created factions complete with PvP-rating for squadrons, calculated by the Elo system. In addition, this latest update includes an additional 18 new aircraft, changes in the interface and improvements for player progression.

And last but not least, the update 1.39 will allow players who currently possess codes for the Ground Forces Expansion Closed beta to be the first to play as either a tank or an aircraft 24/7, but not from the very start. gaijin Entertainment will slowly implement Ground Forces Expansion into the update to ensure seamless gameplay.

The new mission called Batte of Kursk is based on the real life historic engagement that took place in July and August 1943 where the Soviets defeated the German strategic offensive, therby turning the tide on the Eastern Front. In the game, Kursk will provide players with AI-tanks,field artillery and planes fighting alongside real players

Over six million players already know the enjoyment of raining down aerial destruction via the PC and PlayStation®4 (PS4™) versions of War Thunder. War Thunder is currently in Open Beta on PC, available on Steam, in development for Mac OS and Oculus Rift, and is available in Europe on PS4™.

The PS4 version will launch in 2014 in the US. In addition, Gaijin Entertainment has launched Ground Forces Expansion closed beta program for military World War II MMO game War Thunder. Download War Thunder for free from the official website and join in a heated battle to dominate the skies: http://www.warthunder.com"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Golf Club - A highly realistic golf simulation game

the golf club
What´s your handicap?

I am not a great golfer, nor a big fan of golf in general. But still i have to say that i´m quite impressed by HB Studios "The Golf Club" (for PC, Xbox One and PS4) game. So i bet that there´s a lot of golfers out there that would love to give the game a try.

Well, guess what? You can try The Golf Club IF you pre-order the game via Steam. Because then you will get your hands on the early access for The Golf Club =) So, are you ready to scream "fore!" from the top of your lungs people? 

Press release:
Nova Scotia, Canada - April 17, 2014 - Canadian video game developer, HB Studios, today announced its next generation golf simulation, The Golf Club, is now available on Steam Early Access for PC. The Golf Club features pre-designed courses as well as a Course Creator that allows players to build brand new courses and share them online within seconds.

The Golf Club Early Access is available for $29.99, discounted from $34.99 for 7 days. Scheduled to launch on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One soon, The Golf Club will redefine the genre across both console and PC platforms. For more information, including a host of instructional videos, please visit the official website at: http://thegolfclubgame.com/

“With a heritage deeply rooted in building some of the most fun, intuitive and critically successful sport franchises on the EA Sports label, HB Studios are now excited to roll out the first phase of The Golf Club,” said Jeremy Wellard, President of HB Studios. “With integrated social features, a massive online multiplayer mode and a Course Creator that will provide players with endless challenges, avid golfers and gamers can now access The Golf Club on Steam Early Access.”

The Golf Club is designed for 1 - 4 players locally, (from single player to 4-player sofa play), or in an asynchronous online multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against “live balls” and “ghost balls” from other players. Early Access of The Golf Club comes complete with three modes: stroke play, match play and 4-ball, and no loading times between holes.

The Course Creator allows players to build an unlimited number of golf courses which can then be shared and played with friends online. New courses can be generated in a matter of seconds by selecting a theme (Rural, Alpine or Autumn), terrain features, number of holes and difficulty. Players can then enjoy a full suite of editing tools from changing the time of day to placing hazards and objects to create the ultimate golf challenge. Players can also discover new courses built by friends and the community by filtering through rank and difficulty, as
well as interact with new The Golf Club members through the Message Center.

Additional social features enable players to challenge friends and attempt to beat high scores and best their own highest recorded rounds. Add to this a myriad of statistic tracking tools, notifications, challenges and much more, and you have a golf club truly worth joining. The Golf Club was developed with the Unity games development platform.

About HB Studios
Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada, HB Studios is an electronic entertainment software company that specializes in creating console, mobile, handheld and PC games. To date, HB has shipped 43 titles, selling over 23 million units, and contributed to 20 others.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Gamestop Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale Thurs-Sun

gamestop buy 2 get 1
More games to the people!

Gamestop is at it again ya'll and just in time. From Thursday-Sun you can Buy 2 Get 1 Free on select Pre-owned titles  $19.99 and lower. If you don't know how it works check it, you pick 3 games that are Pre-owned priced $19.99 or lower and the one of equal or lesser value is automatically free.

Don't forget your rewards card, because it will get you an extra 10% off your Pre-owned purhcase plus, get you rewards points onto your account. I know im all about saving money, so this is a Grade-A opportunity to not only save money, but add games to your collection you previously couldn't afford to do so, right?

Oh yeah, so head down to your local Gamestop and check out the sales, I know im gonna grab NBA 2k13, and Far Cry 3!

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

New Skylanders character Doom Stone dropping April 23

skylanders doom stone
Who will get their hands on Doom Stone character?

On April 23, 2014, Up to 500 customers will get to earn the privilege of owning Doom Stone the final Skylanders Swap force character in the series, bringing the long exciting chapter to a close.

How do you get him? Being at the Toys R Us in times square on the day will net you Doom Stone, plus a free skylanders toy. Costumed characters will be in attendance as well, for the kiddo's to see their questing  buddies in real life.

This isn't unusual for the Activision team to host surprise roll-out's like this. Last year the limited edition Ninjini was among the scarcest figures in the series, along with the classic Ninjini, and Hot dog. Select retailers had them in high demand, and Activision had to host Skylanders days where they were available while supplies lasted.

Hopefully Activision will continue support for the characters, or at the very least create a new Spyro's Adventure, with some of them as bosses for the sake of a huge comeback. Only time will tell, and we'll be here to find out.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

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