
New Skylanders character Doom Stone dropping April 23comment_here

skylanders doom stone
Who will get their hands on Doom Stone character?

On April 23, 2014, Up to 500 customers will get to earn the privilege of owning Doom Stone the final Skylanders Swap force character in the series, bringing the long exciting chapter to a close.

How do you get him? Being at the Toys R Us in times square on the day will net you Doom Stone, plus a free skylanders toy. Costumed characters will be in attendance as well, for the kiddo's to see their questing  buddies in real life.

This isn't unusual for the Activision team to host surprise roll-out's like this. Last year the limited edition Ninjini was among the scarcest figures in the series, along with the classic Ninjini, and Hot dog. Select retailers had them in high demand, and Activision had to host Skylanders days where they were available while supplies lasted.

Hopefully Activision will continue support for the characters, or at the very least create a new Spyro's Adventure, with some of them as bosses for the sake of a huge comeback. Only time will tell, and we'll be here to find out.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

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