
Gamestop Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale Thurs-Suncomment_here

gamestop buy 2 get 1
More games to the people!

Gamestop is at it again ya'll and just in time. From Thursday-Sun you can Buy 2 Get 1 Free on select Pre-owned titles  $19.99 and lower. If you don't know how it works check it, you pick 3 games that are Pre-owned priced $19.99 or lower and the one of equal or lesser value is automatically free.

Don't forget your rewards card, because it will get you an extra 10% off your Pre-owned purhcase plus, get you rewards points onto your account. I know im all about saving money, so this is a Grade-A opportunity to not only save money, but add games to your collection you previously couldn't afford to do so, right?

Oh yeah, so head down to your local Gamestop and check out the sales, I know im gonna grab NBA 2k13, and Far Cry 3!

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

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