
Dying Light - Dead Island 3?comment_here

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Dying Light are a TBA 2014 title.

I'm probably not the only person that sees Techland´s "Dying Light" as the unofficial version of Dead Island 3. But who can blame me for having those thoughts really? I mean, Dying Light both looks and feels like a Dead Island game (the game uses the Chrome Engine 6 motor).

But there seems to be one hell of a twist to Dying Light. For starter, the players can go parkour on the zombies asses. Or, you can use your Parkour skills to escape you enimes (jump, climb, glide and so on). So that means that you can be way more creative in Dying Light, than you could in Dead Island.

You also have way more options to reach your goals now (how to get there. And how to finish your tasks). The enemies also seem to be a whole lot smarter in Dying Light (the a.i). So i am very pumped up to play Dying Light.

But at this time. Dying Light are still a TBA title for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One and 360. And there haven't been a new Dying Light video for months. So we can only hope that Techland are preparing something really nice to show us during the E3 event this summer.

About Dying Light:
"Dying Light is a first-person, action survival horror game set in a vast and dangerous open world. During the day, players traverse an expansive urban environment overrun by a vicious outbreak, scavenging the world for supplies and crafting weapons to defend against the growing infected population. At night, the hunter becomes the hunted, as the infected become aggressive and more dangerous. Most frightening are the predators which only appear after sundown. Players must use everything in their power to survive until the morning’s first light."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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