Far Cry 4 - The Himalayas and ridable elephants
There will be ridable elephants in Far Cry 4 you say?
It sure seems like Ubisoft will try to make something really "special" out of Far Cry 4. Cuz if you haven't already heard it. Far Cry 4 are said to be set in the Himalayas, and yes. There will be ridable elephants. Ubisoft are very quite about all this though.
So if it hadn't been for Eurogamers source. Then nothing of this would have been known at all. But keep calm, cuz there´s more! It´s also said that Far Cry 4 will be released during the first half of 2015. And "if" Eurogamers source are reliable.
Then there will be some Far Cry 4 footage at this years E3 event as well. I sure hope that´s the case. Because i sure would love to see some gunslinger action from the back of an elephant!
Max The curse of brotherhood - Soon for PC and 360
Max has a average score of 74.60% via GameRankings, and 72/100 via Metacritic.
I think things has gone rather well for the Danish indie game studio Press Play. Becouse their game "Max The curse of brotherhood" has received some really good grades worldwide (it was released for the Xbox One back in December last year).
And soon it´s time for the PC and 360 players to enjoy Max The curse of brotherhood. Because Max will be released on the 360 on the 9th of April. The PC-version won´t be released until the 15th of April though (via Steam).
But hey, it´s soon April anyhow ;)
Press release:
"Danish development studio Press Play is pleased to announce that its Xbox One launch title, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, will launch Wednesday, April 9th, for Xbox 360, and Tuesday, April 15th, for PC via Steam.
“We are really proud of releasing what we believe will be one of the best-looking games on XBLA. Originally, Max: the Curse of Brotherhood was developed for Xbox360. Late in development we couldn’t turn down the opportunity to reposition the game as an Xbox One launch title. Since we shipped the Xbox One version, we have worked to make what we believe is the best possible Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game,” explained Creative Director Mikkel Thorsted.
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is a story-driven adventure filled with action-packed platforming and creative puzzle-solving. Armed with only a Magic Marker, Max must confront evil at every turn in a hostile and fantastical world in order to save his kid brother, Felix. With five magical powers and twenty levels set in seven unique worlds, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is an adventure for players of all ages."
Rockstar will host a GTA Online live special!
Rockstar sure knows how to put on a good show.
I just heard that Rockstar will start to stream a GTA Online live special via Twitch TV any minute now. And it´s called "Crew Battle feat. Freddie Gibbs and Hip Hop Gamer". So checkout Rockstars Twitch page asap! Or else you might miss something really epic =)
"Keep an eye on our Rockstar Twitch later today for a special live #GTAOnline Crew battle. Hit the follow button @ http://www.twitch.tv/rockstargames" - Rockstar via Twitter
Fez will soon be released to PS4, PsVita and PS3
I just tripped over a blog post by Marie-Christine Bourdua (Polytron Corporation) at the official Playstation blog. And it seems like Fez will be released to PS4, PS3 and the PsVita on the 25th of March. So even if there will be no Fez 2.
Then we at least got something to be happy about. And who knows. If Fez sells really well on PS4, PS3 and to the PSVita. Then Fez 2 might actually happen after all. Time will tell, time will tell...
Battlefield 4 - Naval Strike
Epic sea battles you say? Yes says i!
Finally! Well, okay almost. Cuz the BF4 Naval Strike expansion ain´t quite here yet (it´s set for a release on the 25th of March for the premium users. Non-premium users will have to waith to the 8th of April). But hey, it´s less than a week left now.
So soon, very soon. We will be able to experience epic sea battles (hopefully) in Naval Strike. At least that´s the vibbes i´ve get from the BF4 Naval Strike trailer.
About Battle Field 4 Naval Strike:
"Battlefield 4 Naval Strike takes the intense and dramatic water-based combat introduced in Battlefield 4 to the next level with a new amphibious vehicle and four all-new maps set in the South China Sea."
Flockers Game - A brand new IP from Team 17
I wonder what kind of game Flockers will be?
It has taken a while. But Team 17 are now finally working on a new IP, and it´s called "Flockers". Not much have been said about the game so far though (which genre it is ect ect). But i guess that Flockers are some kind of steampunk game? (based on the logotype).
Oh well, we will all find out during the EGX Rezzed event (which takes place in 14 days from now). Why? Because Team 17 will present (demonstrate?) their Flockers game at their booth. And if you wanna know more about Flockers. Then you should visit Flockers develop online´s homepage asap!
Cuz they got even more information about the game =)
"In two weeks' time EGX Rezzed will have opened it's doors and we'll be showing off Flockers for the very first time! If you want to be one of the first in the world to see and play the game then make sure you come to the Team17 Digital Ltd. booth!" - Via Flockers Facebook page