Wolfenstein: The New Order and the Doom beta
For Xbox One only?
Last night i saw something rather interesting on Twitter. Cuz Bethesda told the whole world (well, at least the land of Twitter) about the Doom beta. Because it seems like everyone that pre-orders Wolfenstein: The New Order and the for Xbox One, will get their hands on the Doom Beta (Doom 4?).
Cuz there seem to be no word about the PC or PS4 version at this time (if the PS4 and PC players will get their hands on the Doom beta or not) I guess that we just have to wait and see. But at least now we know that Doom are still alive and kicking!
"Bethesda + #Wolfenstein: The New Order [RP] + a chance to play the #DOOM [RP] beta? Yes, please. pic.twitter.com/5MtUxs2QGE" - Bethesda, via Twitter
Minecon - Where shall Minecon 2014 take place?

Will the Minecon 2014 event happen in Stockholm, Sweden?
I could be wrong now. But it seems like team Mojang hasn't chosen a region (or city) for Minecon 2014 yet. But there are rumours that says that Minecon 2014 will take place in either the Uk, Australia or Usa. But Mojang hasn´t nailed down any region or city (to my knowledge) yet.
So the Minecon 2014 event could take play pretty much anywhere really. Me, i would love to see Minecon 2014 take play in Stockholm, Sweden.
But where would you guys (and girls) like to see Minecon 2014 happen?
Previous Minecon locations:
2012: Paris
2013: Orlando
Minecon 2014 resources:
"MineCon is an annual convention for the video game Minecraft, created by Mojang. The first gathering in 2010 was known as MinecraftCon. The MineCon 2011 convention was held in Las Vegas and celebrated the launch of the game with Minecraft-related discussion panels and gaming areas.
Over 7,000 fans attended the 2012 convention at the Paris Disneyland Park in November 2012; Mojang announced updates to the game at the convention, including details about the 1.5 "Redstone" update and the 1.6 "Horse" update which will have new mobs."
About TotalBiscuit - The Price of Youtube Fame
Mr TotalBiscuit.
And here we go again. At least that´s the kind of feelings i get everytime someone talks about Youtube, the internet trolls and all the haters. But le´ts face it. Boogie2988 are right. Cuz there sure are a high price to pay for being a Youtube star.
Because not only do you have to work your ass off 24/7. You also have to deal with haters, internet trolls and death treats on a daily bases. And most Youtube stars don´t tale that much time off either. So all this stuff made me think quite a lot about the backsides of being a Youtube star.
And how one can avoid most of the down sides (or at least make them less painfull). Cuz i have noticed that the more popular you get, the more shit you will get. And it´s inevitable i´m afraid...It´s a part of the trade.
But in my and O.J´s case. We are two (and soon three) people that will run our show. So we can take time off, and we live on the countryside. So "hopefully", things will turn out a little better for us. I just hope that things will turn out alright for TotalBiscuit (John Bain).
Cuz the rumors has it that his starting to lose his mind...
Totalbiscuits reddit post:
Irrational games is no more - R.I.P Irrational games
Irrational games 1997 - 2014 R.I.P
Im sorry to end this day like this guys. But this is some really, really sad news. I just found out that Irrational games has been closed down. Ken Levine has written a long post on Irrational games homepage about this. So sadly enough, the party is now over for Irrational games.
So i want to take this time and personaly thank everyone that´s been working at Irrational games, for all the awesome games that you have made throughout the years. System Shock 2 are still my nr 1 favourite game of all time.
A Message From Ken Levine
"When Jon Chey, Rob Fermier and I founded Irrational Games seventeen years ago, our mission was to make visually unique worlds and populate them with singular characters.
We built Rapture and Columbia, the Von Braun and The Rickenbacker, the Freedom Fortress and some of the nastiest basements a SWAT team ever set foot into. We created Booker and Elizabeth, the Big Daddy and the Little Sister, MidWives and ManBot. In that time, Irrational has grown larger and more successful than we could have conceived when we began our three-person studio in a living room in Cambridge, MA. It’s been the defining project of my professional life.
Now Irrational Games is about to roll out the last DLC for BioShock Infinite and people are understandably asking: What’s next?
Seventeen years is a long time to do any job, even the best one. And working with the incredible team at Irrational Games is indeed the best job I’ve ever had. While I’m deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished together, my passion has turned to making a different kind of game than we’ve done before.
To meet the challenge ahead, I need to refocus my energy on a smaller team with a flatter structure and a more direct relationship with gamers. In many ways, it will be a return to how we started: a small team making games for the core gaming audience.
I am winding down Irrational Games as you know it. I’ll be starting a smaller, more entrepreneurial endeavor at Take-Two. That is going to mean parting ways with all but about fifteen members of the Irrational team. There’s no great way to lay people off, and our first concern is to make sure that the people who are leaving have as much support as we can give them during this transition.
Besides financial support, the staff will have access to the studio for a period of time to say their goodbyes and put together their portfolios. Other Take-Two studios will be on hand to discuss opportunities within the company, and we’ll be hosting a recruiting day where we’ll be giving 3rd party studios and publishers a chance to hold interviews with departing Irrational staff.*
What’s next?
In time we will announce a new endeavor with a new goal: To make narrative-driven games for the core gamer that are highly replayable. To foster the most direct relationship with our fans possible, we will focus exclusively on content delivered digitally.
When I first contemplated what I wanted to do, it became very clear to me that we were going to need a long period of design. Initially, I thought the only way to build this venture was with a classical startup model, a risk I was prepared to take. But when I talked to Take-Two about the idea, they convinced me that there was no better place to pursue this new chapter than within their walls. After all, they’re the ones who believed in and supported BioShock in the first place.
Thanks to Irrational and 2K’s passion in developing the games, and the fans who believe in it, BioShock has generated retail revenues of over a half billion dollars and secured an iconic place in gaming. I’m handing the reins of our creation, the BioShock universe, to 2K so our new venture can focus entirely on replayable narrative. If we’re lucky, we’ll build something half as memorable as BioShock.
We will do our best to update an FAQ in this space as questions come in.
-Ken Levine

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
Ellen Page and Ellie comes out as gay - Oh happy joy!
This day has been so full of life and big news events, that i´m having a hard time keeping up with everything. First i heard about the Kickstarter hacker attack. And just now, i found out about Ellen Page (Beyond two Souls) and Ellie (The Last of US) has come out as homosexuals (on the very same day!).
Me, i was very glad when i heard the news. Because it must have been really hard for Ellen Page to live with that secret. And Ellie´s homosexuality, just makes her even more uniq imo. So a big congrats to Ellen Page, Ellie and Naughty Dog =)
"It's here! #TheLastofUs Left Behind is now available. Download a new story chapter now:
http://nghtyd.gs/1eYKf4u pic.twitter.com/oh6A1pd5kL" - Naughty Dog, via Twitter
Anders Breivik threatens to hunger strike for better video games
The face of a killer.
This has to be the strangest video game news that i have read (and written about) in a very, very long time. Cuz it seems like the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik (he killed 77 people back in July 2011) are whining about his access to video games.
Because, apparently Anders Breivik threatens to hunger strike for better video games.As it turns out, Breivik ain´t happy with his Playstation 2. Cuz he wants to be able to play newer games. Therefor, Breivik asks for a PS3. But that´s not all. He also wrote a list of 12 different demands (besides the one about the PS3).
Breivik also wants his weekly allowance to be doubled (from 50 Euro, to 100 Euro). Breivik also stated this:
"The hunger strike won't end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (the Norwegian Correctional Services) stop treating me worse than an animal," he said, adding that he would "soon"
Me, i find all this rather ludacris. Because Anders Breivik ain´t exactly in the spot of demanding anything. And he sure didn´t care about all those people whom he killed, if he treated them like animals or not. So imo, he shouldn't be allowed to get anything of all the stuff his been asking for.
But what do you people think? Should Anders Breivik get his will through?