Fez will soon be released to PS4, PsVita and PS3
Phil Fish may have thrown in his towel. But Fez lives on anyhow.
I just tripped over a blog post by Marie-Christine Bourdua (Polytron Corporation) at the official Playstation blog. And it seems like Fez will be released to PS4, PS3 and the PsVita on the 25th of March. So even if there will be no Fez 2.
Then we at least got something to be happy about. And who knows. If Fez sells really well on PS4, PS3 and to the PSVita. Then Fez 2 might actually happen after all. Time will tell, time will tell...
I just tripped over a blog post by Marie-Christine Bourdua (Polytron Corporation) at the official Playstation blog. And it seems like Fez will be released to PS4, PS3 and the PsVita on the 25th of March. So even if there will be no Fez 2.
Then we at least got something to be happy about. And who knows. If Fez sells really well on PS4, PS3 and to the PSVita. Then Fez 2 might actually happen after all. Time will tell, time will tell...