
Flockers Game - A brand new IP from Team 17comment_here

flockers game
I wonder what kind of game Flockers will be?

It has taken a while. But Team 17 are now finally working on a new IP, and it´s called "Flockers". Not much have been said about the game so far though (which genre it is ect ect). But i guess that Flockers are some kind of steampunk game? (based on the logotype).

Oh well, we will all find out during the EGX Rezzed event (which takes place in 14 days from now). Why? Because Team 17 will present (demonstrate?) their Flockers game at their booth. And if you wanna know more about Flockers. Then you should visit Flockers develop online´s homepage asap!

Cuz they got even more information about the game =)

"In two weeks' time EGX Rezzed will have opened it's doors and we'll be showing off Flockers for the very first time! If you want to be one of the first in the world to see and play the game then make sure you come to the Team17 Digital Ltd. booth!" - Via Flockers Facebook page

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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