About TotalBiscuit - The Price of Youtube Fame
Mr TotalBiscuit.
And here we go again. At least that´s the kind of feelings i get everytime someone talks about Youtube, the internet trolls and all the haters. But le´ts face it. Boogie2988 are right. Cuz there sure are a high price to pay for being a Youtube star.
Because not only do you have to work your ass off 24/7. You also have to deal with haters, internet trolls and death treats on a daily bases. And most Youtube stars don´t tale that much time off either. So all this stuff made me think quite a lot about the backsides of being a Youtube star.
And how one can avoid most of the down sides (or at least make them less painfull). Cuz i have noticed that the more popular you get, the more shit you will get. And it´s inevitable i´m afraid...It´s a part of the trade.
But in my and O.J´s case. We are two (and soon three) people that will run our show. So we can take time off, and we live on the countryside. So "hopefully", things will turn out a little better for us. I just hope that things will turn out alright for TotalBiscuit (John Bain).
Cuz the rumors has it that his starting to lose his mind...
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