
Anders Breivik threatens to hunger strike for better video gamescomment_here

anders breivik
The face of a killer.

This has to be the strangest video game news that i have read (and written about) in a very, very long time. Cuz it seems like the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik (he killed 77 people back in July 2011) are whining about his access to video games. 

Because, apparently Anders Breivik threatens to hunger strike for better video games.As it turns out, Breivik ain´t happy with his Playstation 2. Cuz he wants to be able to play newer games. Therefor, Breivik asks for a PS3. But that´s not all. He also wrote a list of 12 different demands (besides the one about the PS3). 

Breivik also wants his weekly allowance to be doubled (from 50 Euro, to 100 Euro). Breivik also stated this:

"The hunger strike won't end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (the Norwegian Correctional Services) stop treating me worse than an animal," he said, adding that he would "soon" 

Me, i find all this rather ludacris. Because Anders Breivik ain´t exactly in the spot of demanding anything. And he sure didn´t care about all those people whom he killed, if he treated them like animals or not. So imo, he shouldn't be allowed to get anything of all the stuff his been asking for.

But what do you people think? Should Anders Breivik get his will through?


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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