
Wolfenstein: The New Order and the Doom betacomment_here

wolfenstein doom beta
For Xbox One only?

Last night i saw something rather interesting on Twitter. Cuz Bethesda told the whole world (well, at least the land of Twitter) about the Doom beta. Because it seems like everyone that pre-orders Wolfenstein: The New Order and the for Xbox One, will get their hands on the Doom Beta (Doom 4?).

Cuz there seem to be no word about the PC or PS4 version at this time (if the PS4 and PC players will get their hands on the Doom beta or not) I guess that we just have to wait and see. But at least now we know that Doom are still alive and kicking!

"Bethesda + #Wolfenstein: The New Order [RP] + a chance to play the #DOOM [RP] beta? Yes, please. pic.twitter.com/5MtUxs2QGE"Bethesda, via Twitter

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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