Merry Heavy Metal Christmas - Charlie Parra del Riego

Say hello to THE best Heavy Metal christmas album ever made!
Thanks to the combo of red bull, smirnoff ice and Charlie Parra del Riego super awesome christmas album "Merry Heavy Metal Christmas". Im feeling a lot better now. Cuz the Swedish flu has been killing me pretty badly lately.
But now Im ready rock again =) So we (O.J and I) will record the christmas special video In a hour or two. Cuz I finished the script just now. So, please bare with us people. The video will be uploaded asap ;)
Christmas and Holiday Video Game Remixes

In Fallout (Pipboy) we trust!
There has been a little change in plans my dear Gamer friends. Cuz O.J (my brother) are sick as hell today (The Swedish flu sucks so darn hard). So either I have to record the whole christmas special video myself, or, we will try to record It tomorrow instead.
But you don´t have to worry, cuz the video will get done, made and uploaded no matter what. Me, I just hope that I don´t feel like crap tomorrow. Cuz It´s christmas tomorrow after all. So the timing for this couldn't have been any better really.
Im talking about the awesome video "Christmas and Holiday Video Game Remixes". Which Is a 43 minute long video full of video game remixes, and many of them are christmas related. So, please enjoy people!
And yes, merry christmas to you all!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
Final Fantasy VII Opening - Bombing Mission by Aruno

Aruno are one hell of a musician.
I just heard about this video game cover (music covers) guy named "Aruno". I have heard about him In the past. But I never really looked him up back then. But today, I had the great pleasure to enjoy Aruno´s awesome Final Fantasy video "Final Fantasy VII Opening - Bombing Missio".
What can I say, It´s a fu**ing master piece!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
Hark! T'is What Thou Refers To As Yogsmas!
Pure epicness!
Even though I got the worst cold ever, Im still feeling all these awesome christmas feelings. Yes, Im In the christmas mood (zone) people. And thanks to the Yogscast crew, I woke up with a smile up on my face. I haven't laughed this much In weeks!
Why? Because I have started to listen to their christmas album "Hark! T'is What Thou Refers To As Yogsmas!" (you can buy It via bandcamp for 8 pounds). So If you wanna buy this years very best (and funniest) christmas album, then pick this one up asap!
Thank you very much for this album Yogscast =) And merry christmas to you lads!
Even though I got the worst cold ever, Im still feeling all these awesome christmas feelings. Yes, Im In the christmas mood (zone) people. And thanks to the Yogscast crew, I woke up with a smile up on my face. I haven't laughed this much In weeks!
Why? Because I have started to listen to their christmas album "Hark! T'is What Thou Refers To As Yogsmas!" (you can buy It via bandcamp for 8 pounds). So If you wanna buy this years very best (and funniest) christmas album, then pick this one up asap!
Thank you very much for this album Yogscast =) And merry christmas to you lads!
One Must Fall 2097 - The epic soundtrack

Two robots enter, one robot leaves!
Way back In time. There was this fighting game called "One Must Fall 2097" (Diversions Entertainment, 1994). I came In contact with that game via a demo disc that came with a video game magazine (I can´t remember the name Im afraid).
Anyhow, In One Must Fall 2097 you get the great pleasure to beat the living shit out of deadly robots (you are a robot as well), and back In 1994. That was uber freaking cool. You could also upgrade and modify your fighter robot (there was quite a few robots to buy as well).
One Must Fall 2097 was pretty much a mix of Mortal Kombat and Mechwarrior (the abilty to upgrade your robots). But even though One Must Fall 2097 are over 19 years old today, the game are still fun to play.
And the soundtrack will always makes me smile inside and out \m/
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer - Christmas in 8 bit
The 8-bit version of Santa.
I don´t know about you guys. But for me, music are a really big part of the christmas experience for me. So every year, I tend to fix my own playlist of christmas related music. And It can be everything from remixes, original songs, to stuff from actual video games.
But today my friends, It´s all about the power of chiptune music. So without further ado. Please enjoy Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, the 8-bit version!
I don´t know about you guys. But for me, music are a really big part of the christmas experience for me. So every year, I tend to fix my own playlist of christmas related music. And It can be everything from remixes, original songs, to stuff from actual video games.
But today my friends, It´s all about the power of chiptune music. So without further ado. Please enjoy Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, the 8-bit version!