
One Must Fall 2097 - The epic soundtrackcomment_here

one must fall 2097 
Two robots enter, one robot leaves!

Way back In time. There was this fighting game called "One Must Fall 2097" (Diversions Entertainment, 1994). I came In contact with that game via a demo disc that came with a video game magazine (I can´t remember the name Im afraid).

Anyhow, In One Must Fall 2097 you get the great pleasure to beat the living shit out of deadly robots (you are a robot as well), and back In 1994. That was uber freaking cool. You could also upgrade and modify your fighter robot (there was quite a few robots to buy as well).

One Must Fall 2097 was pretty much a mix of Mortal Kombat and Mechwarrior (the abilty to upgrade your robots). But even though One Must Fall 2097 are over 19 years old today, the game are still fun to play.

And the soundtrack will always makes me smile inside and out \m/

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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