Hark! T'is What Thou Refers To As Yogsmas!
Pure epicness!
Even though I got the worst cold ever, Im still feeling all these awesome christmas feelings. Yes, Im In the christmas mood (zone) people. And thanks to the Yogscast crew, I woke up with a smile up on my face. I haven't laughed this much In weeks!
Why? Because I have started to listen to their christmas album "Hark! T'is What Thou Refers To As Yogsmas!" (you can buy It via bandcamp for 8 pounds). So If you wanna buy this years very best (and funniest) christmas album, then pick this one up asap!
Thank you very much for this album Yogscast =) And merry christmas to you lads!
Even though I got the worst cold ever, Im still feeling all these awesome christmas feelings. Yes, Im In the christmas mood (zone) people. And thanks to the Yogscast crew, I woke up with a smile up on my face. I haven't laughed this much In weeks!
Why? Because I have started to listen to their christmas album "Hark! T'is What Thou Refers To As Yogsmas!" (you can buy It via bandcamp for 8 pounds). So If you wanna buy this years very best (and funniest) christmas album, then pick this one up asap!
Thank you very much for this album Yogscast =) And merry christmas to you lads!