Carnivortex - Lonelyrollingstars

This album are easly worth 5 bucks imo.
Ah, Saturday. So we meet again. And what better way to start of your Saturday. Than to listen to some epic video game covers? This time i discovered a uber awesome band named "Lonelyrollingstars". I just listened to their album "Carnivortex" (you can buy the album via Bandcamp), and i bloody love it!
Cuz you get to hear great covers of games such as Turrican 2, Sonic Adventure 2 and Mario Kart Double Dash for ex. So if you feel like listning to some really great video game music. Then give Lonelyrollingstars a chance!
CoLDSToRAGE releases new album! - Strix Memoria
It seems like the Strix Memoria album are all sold out. Damn!
I didn't know what to believe when i heard the news that CoLDSToRAGE (Timothy Brian Wright) had released a new album just recently. Cuz it´s been like, forever since i've heard anything from CoLDSToRAGE. In fact, the last time that i heard any of CoLDSToRAGE ´s songs.
Was some years ago when i did a piece about the Wipeout series. Cuz as you may know CoLDSToRAGE made quite a few tracks for Wipeout, WipeOut 64, Wipeout 2097 and Wipeout Pure. But it´s 100% true. And the album goes under the name of "Strix Memoria".
Strix Memoria ain´t your everyday album though. Cuz it´s in the shape of a 4GB USB memory card, with the classic Psygnosis Owl Head logo on top of it. And the album contains 25 of CoLDSToRAGE´s favourite Commodore Amiga tracks.
Talk about a great deal! To bad that the album are all sold out though...But hopefully i will get my hands on the album anyhow.
About Strix Memoria:
"The Psygnosis Brand is well know and revered among long-in-the-tooth gamers Worldwide. Psygnosis were famed for their impressive innovation, stunning visuals, jaw dropping CGi in-game movies and lavish product packaging.
Some of their most famous games were released on the fondly remembered Commodore Amiga Home Computer; Shadow of the Beast, Lemmings, Agony, The Killing Game Show, Carthage, Leander and Microcosm and many more...
In 2010 Tim Wright (aka. CoLD SToRAGE) told us he would be re-creating 25 of his best loved Commodore Amiga tracks in full CD Audio, with brand new instrumentation and new arrangements, bringing to life these old 8 bit tunes in the form of new, fully fleshed out musical works.
STRIX MEMORIA is that new album, and it's something rather special! Supplied on a custom 4Gb USB stick in the shape of the classic Psygnosis Owl Head logo, it comes packaged in an individually numbered (limited edition) stylish silver tin which is 'laser etched' with the Psygnosis 'Owl' logo. The package is rounded off with an 8 page fan-fold colour brochure."
The Banner Saga Soundtrack - Austin Wintory

Austin Wintory did a great job on The Banner Saga soundtrack imo.
Im really glad to inform you all that not only has Stoic Studios "The Banner Saga" become a huge success (people love it!). But i also noticed that you now can buy Austin Wintory´s soundtrack via Bandcamp (it´s yours for $8). Me, i listened through the whole thing this morning. And i freaking love It!
So i really hope that you boys and girls will enjoy it as well =)
"This was a very special project to be a part of. THE BANNER SAGA was my first real experience with Kickstarter, and there is something very different about being "hired" by 20,042 backers instead of a single team. The sense of responsibility with this score felt hugely magnified by that. So I hope I have delivered something worthy because not one day passed in the year and a half of work that I didn't think about that trust.
With that said, I LOVE this game and the wonderful Stoic team. So unlike anything I've ever worked on, and probably the most challenging score I've ever written. One couldn't have dreamt up something better to follow the surreal experience of JOURNEY. Certain people need singling out for praise.
Kim Campbell and Jerry Junkin are at the top of that list. To collaborate with the illustrious Dallas Winds on this game was a dream come true. Jerry completely changed my life via his commission of John Corigliano's 3rd Symphony, "Circus Maximus," (GO LISTEN TO IT if you haven't!) and so to work directly with him, and with these musicians, was beyond blissful. As Executive Director of the Dallas Winds, Kim worked long and hard to make this project happen and it simply wouldn't have without him.
Also, if you remotely enjoy this album, credit rests overwhelmingly with the musicians performing it. The Dallas Winds played with both force and nuance. It was breathtaking to record. Thanks as always to my wonderful team (all credited below) for their invaluable contributions. Thereafter the bizarre and beautiful prepared electric guitar work of Mike Niemietz, and didgeridoo playing of Randin Graves brought something beyond what I'd hoped for.
Next were the singers. What more can be said of Peter Hollens and Malukah? They're among the best I've ever known; glorious talents and the finest human begins. It's a humbling privilege to have worked with them, and to call them dear friends. Add to that Johann Sigurdarson, whose voice I can't imagine the score without. Finally, Taylor Davis, who sits at the heart of it all. Her violin solos are already known everywhere for the covers she's done, but to write for her and so closely collaborate was an honor. No amount of thanks will cover it. Enough of my rambling!"
The ocarina of rhyme - Team teamwork
Im going to start of this day with class. This may be a oldie, but it´s damn good! Some of you may have heard of "Team teamwork" before? Anyhow, they have made a shitload of epic video game remixes over the years. And one of my favourit Team teamwork albums are "The ocarina of rhyme" (yep, im a HUGE Zelda fan).
Minecraft - Volume Beta

Easily worth $7 imo.
People have been asking us if we can´t do some kind of Minecraft giveaway via Twitter. And that´s a really good idea (so we thought). So we will look into that asap. But in the meanwhile, please enjoy C418´s super awesome Minecraft album "Volume Beta!" (It costs $7 via Bandcamp).
About Minecraft Volume Beta:
Featuring the all-new creative mode, menu tunes, the horrors of the nether, the end's odd and misleading soothing ambiance and all the missing record discs from the game!
It's my longest album ever, and I hope you'll love the amount of work I crammed into it."
DooM II - lvl 7 metal remake

ElguitarTom knows how to do deliver the heavy Metal groove.
I may have finished every single episode in Doom on. But as you all know, there is a little game called "Doom II". So i have just started to record some gameplay videos for Doom II (last night). And honestly, i was quite surprised how much stuff i still remember.
I mean, i haven't played Doom II for many, many years now. But then again, i used to play it all the time as a kid. So i guess that somethings you just don´t forget over time. Anyhow, i have always been a huge fan of the Doom music (Metal music).
And today i heard about a guy called "ElguitarTom". Cuz i just watched his video "DooM II - lvl 7 metal remake". Well, let´s just say that IF your a Metal fan. Then your going to love that video as well, cuz it´s heavy as fu**!