Jonathan Blow´s own video get´s flagged by Youtube
Epic fail much?
The Youtube content ID system keeps on harvesting new victims. And one of the first big Youtube star that spoke up about Youtubes content ID system, was Angry Joe Show. 65 of Joe´s most popouler videos has been flagged and yanked off from Youtube.
We are talking about videos that has had millions, and millions of views. And videos that toke Angry Joe a very long time to make. While Im writing this, more and more people are getting the Axe on Youtube as we speak.
And less than a hour ago. Mr Jonathan Blow spilled the beans about his own game "The Witness" on Twitter. About his problems with copyright issuies on Youtube. Cuz his own video game video got flagged by Youtubes content ID system...
Ah, can you smell the huge dose of irony? I mean,the whole purpose behind the content ID system. Was to protect the original makers creations from theft. But when even the makers themselves, get flagged by the system.
Then what´s the point?I'm honestly starting to wonder what has happened to Youtube? This Is NOT the Youtube that I growed up with and feelt In love with. The new Youtube feels like some kind of fascist Internet service now days...
I honestly wouldn't be that much surprised If a lot of the Youtube creators get together, and sue the living shit out of Youtube In the near future. Cuz peoples lives (and income) are at stake here. So one could say that the revolution against Youtube has started.
The die is cast!