Brutal Doom v19 - The day Nine Inch Nails pays a visit

I don´t know If It´s true or not. But I read somewhere that the NIN logo were removed from the console version of Doom (due to copyright concerns).
This would pretty much be my very first article that I have written In 100% English on our homepage. But I guess that there´s a first time for everything. Why? Because we have heard complaints from both International readers and Indie developers.
Cuz, let´s face It. Most translation tools, plugins ect ect. Just doesn't work that well. I tried to translate som of our Swedish articles to English yesterday. And It just looked ridiculous. Also, for some strange reson. I feel much more confident when I write In English, I actually almos tfeel like a totally different person when I do write In English.
So we are going to give this a try, and see how It all turns out. But to get back on topic again. I started to play the "Thy flesh consumed" campaign yesterday (the very last episode of Brutal Doom), which Is THE hardest of campaigns In the original Doom.
And when you play Thy flesh consumed on the Black Metal difficulty. Then It's almost impossible to finish. Just take mr American McGee´s map "E4M1: Hell Beneath" for ex (that´s the very first map of Thy flesh consumed).
Hell Beneath are considered to be THE hardest of levels In the original Doom series (the first game). I would say that there´s zero room for mistakes. You can´t get hit, and you MUST not miss your own shots. But I did survive against all odds.
And I got a really nice reward as well. Cuz you can uncover a hidden Nine Inch Nails logo on the Hell Beneath level (If you survive the Barons of hell that Is). But besides that, Hell Beneath are one hell of a hard level to complete.
You basically have to be the real life version of the Doomguy, to be able to handle all the horrors of hell on that stage xD
"E4M1: Hell Beneath is the first map of Thy Flesh Consumed in Doom. It was designed by American McGee and uses the music track "Sign of Evil." On Ultra-Violence, it is believed to be one of the hardest levels not only of the episode but also in the entire Doom series. On this difficulty, there are no medikits or stimpacks; any additional health is limited to nine health bonuses, and there is only one piece of green armor. The easier difficulties have four medikits, two of which are available through a secret." -
Postat av: Jessica
Ser lite blodigt ut hehe =) Du skulle inte vilja spela lite wow haha. =)
Glömde bort min WoW blogg. =)
The Gaming Ground