
Gamestop needs you to Make-A-Wish

Let's get together and help some kids dreams come true.

GameStop  will be hosting a Make-A-Wish donation program in its stores from May 1 to May 31, encouraging customers to donate $1 or more with their purchases. All proceeds in GameStop's donation program go directly to Make-A-Wish. GameStop hopes to raise $100,000 for Make-A-Wish in May.

In the past, Gamestop has been very successful in raising funds for their partnered charities, including St. Jude’s Research;  and Activision’s Call of Duty Dogtag’s for warriors.

 "Wish experiences can be game-changers for both the children and their families, helping wish kids feel better mentally, and in some cases, even get better physically," Make-A-Wish American CEO David Williams said. "We are thankful for the generous support of GameStop."

Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses in the United States, with an average of one wish granted every 38 minutes. Remember Bat-Kid? ( If not you should google him, every single Batman Co-signed him ). The best part of the whole experience for them, will be knowing that you helped to make a child’s wishes come to life; because their happiness will be your own. 

I want to give a big thank you to everyone who donates to charities, even just $1.00 or a few minutes of your time volunteering can help to make the difference to the person you sponsor. You don’t have to feel obliged to do it outside of Xmas, or Thanksgiving.

They may never see you, or meet you; but your donation will be sincerely welcomed.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Chronology - A very uniq puzzle platformer from Denmark

From Denmark with Gamer love.

Once again our Danish Gamer friends has created something really "interesting". This time i´m talking about Osao games time warping puzzle/adventure platformer "Chronology". And to make things even more interesting.

Chronology just happens to be inspired by mr Hayao Miyazaki. That's probably one of the reasons why the game got thumbs up on Steam Greenlight. And speaking of Steam. Chronology will be released on Steam on the 12th of May. So keep an eye open for it!

Press release:
"Aalborg, Denmark - April 30th, 2014 - Indie micro studio osao games today announced that Chronology, its mind-bending puzzle, adventure and platform game will be available for Windows PC on May 12th through digital distribution service Steam. Set in a beautiful universe that mixes classical fantasy with mechanical retro-futuristic elements, players defy time by manipulating the past and the future, to fix the present as they uncover a story that shapes the future of the world.

“As massive fans of Hayao Miyazaki, the world of Chronology has been deeply influenced by animated classics such as Howls Moving Castle and My Friend Totoro”, said Niels Højgaard Sørensen, Game Director at Osao Games, “We’ve taken these worlds and mixed them with video game classics - Day of the Tentacles and Lost Vikings, as players travel back and forth between ages to uncover an adventure of mixed dimensions”.

Our story begins, as the inventor wakes to discover the world has ended, and has no memory of his past. After finding a time travel device that can take him back in time, his memory slowly returns... With the help of a snail, who can stop time, the inventor sets out to fix the future by changing the past. Players run and jump through puzzles, using the time travel device, that moves the player from a beautiful idyllic past to a dark dystopian future.

Chronology has had a turbulent history after its original developer Progressive Media, closed its doors in January 2014 after the game has been Greenlit by Steam community. A small dedicated team of ex-developers, turned indie and opened osao games to continue the development of Chronology. Scheduled for release on multiple platforms through 2014, Chronology has already been selected as one of the eight finalists for the Nordic Game Indie Sensation Award."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014

reggie fils aime
Mr Reggie Fils-Aime Aka "The Reggienator".

Things looked very, very dark for Nintendo and the Wii-U. I mean, the Wii-U was doomed. And Nintendo was bleeding money like crazy. But then something happened. Something which no one could have predicted. I´m talking about the super big recovery on Nintendos behalf.

First they announced the Mario Kart 8 bundle (which most likely will save the Wii-U from a total failure). Then there were the video for Tomodachi Life (which made everyone talk about Nintendo). And just the other day, Nintendo unleashed THE coolest Nintendo video that i've have seen in a very long time.

Yes, i´m of course refering to the "Play Nintendo" video (the video further down the page). The very same video that revealed the  Super Smash Brosinvitational tournament (that´s taking place during the E3 event this year).

So, bravo Nintendo.You turned the tables around completely to your advantage!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Watch Dogs launch 2014 - Release your inner hacker!

watch dogs
Are you ready to become a hacker? Well, you will get your chance on the 27th of May!

The long wait for Ubisoft´s hacker/action/adventure game "Watch Dogs". Will soon be over. Because there´s just one more month left until the game releases world wide to every format there is (except to the Wii-U). And i just found out today that the PS4 edition of Watchdogs will include 60 minutes of exclusive gameplay.

So i might actually buy Watch Dogs to PS4 instead of PC. But then again. The PC-version will probably have mods and such. Oh well, i got one more month to make up my mind about that matter. One thing's for sure though.

Watch Dogs will transform us all into superstar hackers.  And speaking of hackers. You can actually become one right now. And that´s all thanks to the special smartphone option. So all you have to do, is to click through to landing page of the video (the one further down the page).

Then you can sign up and be a helping hacker to the game's main character IRL! Cool huh?

About Watchdogs:
"All it takes is the swipe of a finger. We connect with friends. We buy the latest gadgets and gear. We find out what's happening in the world. But with that same simple swipe, we cast an increasingly expansive shadow. With each connection, we leave a digital trail that tracks our every move and milestone, our every like and dislike. And it's not just people. Today, all major cities are networked. Urban infrastructures are monitored and controlled by complex operating systems.

In Watch_Dogs, this system is called the Central Operating System (ctOS) - and it controls almost every piece of the city's technology and holds key information on all of the city's residents.

You play as Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker and former thug, whose criminal past led to a violent family tragedy. Now on the hunt for those who hurt your family, you'll be able to monitor and hack all who surround you by manipulating everything connected to the city's network. Access omnipresent security cameras, download personal information to locate a target, control traffic lights and public transportation to stop the enemy...and more.

Use the city of Chicago as your ultimate weapon and exact your own style of revenge."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

New Call of Duty “ Blacksmith “ will be announced May

call of duty blacksmith
Sledgehammer Games will take on the role as the sole developer for COD Blacksmith. 

The next Call of Duty codenamed “Blacksmith “ will be announced in May. This comes, as an astounding surprise. Activision, apparently has decided to skip E3 to announce the Immortal shooter, but will use the expo to reveal more details during their reveal of the game.

What remains unclear, is whether it will be Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4, or the next game in the series. I do hope that they create a different name for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4, as this can lead to a lot of confusion with Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare.

Through a leak, allegedly from an industry insider, and via a developer’s Lindkedin profile, it suggests it will be the latter.

Sledgehammer Games, who worked alongside Infinity Ward for the last Call of Duty Modern Warfare game, will be the sole developer behind Call of Duty “ “ Blacksmith " in 2014. This shows that Activision will continue with its rotation of three studios, who have helped to develop the Call of Duty series.

This will also include Call of Duty Black Ops developer Treyarch, as well. During a recent investor's call, Activision revealed the new three year development cycle for the three developers involved, which will see a new Call of Duty game launch each year.

Hopefully, this will not spell doom for the Call of Duty series, as saturating the industry with a successful franchise, can kill the enjoyment of  it. Unfortunately in recent times too many games have been doing this. With E3 right around the corner we’ll hold onto our hopes, and see what develops. Stay tuned for more.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Wildstar - EP2 - Way to go cupcake

wildstar part 2
Don´t we all just LOVE cupcakes?

Sadly enough. This will be my very last Wildstar video. At least for now. Because i recorded all my videos while the game still was a beta (F2P).Now you have to pay to play Wildstar.

I have no problem with that. But in my case. I´m already playing TES Online. So, as you might figure.It would be kind of overkill to play both Wildstar and TES Online. But i might start playing Wildstar sometime in the future.

Anyhow, please enjoy part II of my adventures in Wildstar =)

/Jonas E
The Gaming Ground

What is going on at Naughty Dog?

naughty dog
What´s Naughty Dog up to? Quite a lot so it seems.

Michael Knowland, the Lead Character Artist for the cult classic The Last of Us to, has left Sony Studios. Via his profile on Linkedin, he seems to confirm that he departed the Sony first-party studio this month.

Having worked as a Lead Character Artist on the PlayStation 3-exclusive title The Last of Us for over two years, his profile confirms that he was not involved in the creation of the next Uncharted game, which is currently under development for the PS4.

If you have been following the trend, in March, it was confirmed that Amy Hennig had left the company to join Visceral Games, where she is hard at work on a new Star Wars title (hopefully, a new Star Wars Battlefront ).

At first it remained open ended as to why she left the Sony family, when she announced her departure, but it was later confirmed she left on amicable terms. Speculation led many to believe she received a lucrative offer from Visceral Games, due to her sudden departure, and employment.

Not long after, Justin Richmond, who has been working on the Uncharted series since, Uncharted Drake’s Fortune, decided to depart, and had taken a position at Riot Games.

Adding salt to the wounds Naughty Dog already has, Just last week, Nate Wells, who worked as Lead Artist on The Last of Us, announced that he had moved over to Giant Sparrow, the creator of the PlayStation Network title, The Unfinished Swan.

And last but not least, Todd Stashwick, who was attached to Uncharted 4 in a voice over role, revealed on April, 21st that his role had been recast. He has now joined Hennig on the new Star Wars title over at Visceral Games. This could be due to a number of factors, including Henning trying to bring him into the fold, or an abundance of freedom of creativity.

What does Naughty Dog have as a retention plan? Your guess is as good as mine. But I can speculate, that they can’t afford to lose more employees to the competition. This is a very dangerous situation that Naughty Dog finds itself in.

But we will find out more soon, especially with E3 right around the corner. And the Last of Us Grounded DLC coming out May 5, 2014, the future is uncertain.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Nintendo is The Quality of life according to Satoru Iwata

satoru iwata
Mr Satoru Iwata.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is under the spotlight at the moment,  thanks to the growing concern of the company's shareholders, but he has revealed to Japanese site Diamond Online that he feels he is carrying out the will of the late Hiroshi Yamauchi by reassuring them that the firm is always focused on providing entertainment, and that it doesn't start and stop with video games.

What´s next for Nintendo?

Satoru Iwata had a lot to say as far as the past, present, and future of Nintendo  is concerned.  He is dead set on keeping Nintendo’s crown as the “King of Video Game Entertainment.”  He made it abundantly clear, that Nintendo has never stepped away from what made their company great, family, friends, and unparalleled creativity. After all, isn’t that what made Nintendo so great when we were kids?

Satoru Iwata had this to say:

“Surely, a lot of people around the world must think Nintendo is a company that is just for video games, about us, and I believe that there are more and more of our own employees who've begun to think like that”. “Some employees that are in charge of making things, are often kept in positions where they have to think of how they can make the game in front of them more fun, so I don't think it can be helped if others outside of our company think like that”.

“So, even if the fact that our focus being video games won't be changing, I felt the need to take this occasion to say Nintendo is a company that can do whatever they want”. “This subject came to light when Yamauchi passed away, but I felt that our surroundings are greatly changing”. “We need to redefine what Nintendo must do, from this point on”. “However, I felt that saying Nintendo will do anything,  was also the wrong idea for the company”.

“Yamauchi was one to always say Nintendo is a company for entertainment, and it shouldn't be for anything else, and he didn't necessarily think that ‘entertainment equaled video games”. “I've been wondering how to express Yamauchi’s feelings, and I've been thinking about it non-stop, even during the New Year’s holiday break”.

“Lately, the words quality of life have come up. Entertainment is there to improve people’s quality of life”.” After your basic needs, there’s entertainment. However, when it comes to improving people’s quality of life, I didn't know the difference between us and household appliance makers”.

“At the start of this year, I finally figured that improving people’s quality of life with fun, with emphasis to the ‘fun’ would be perfect for Nintendo. And that’s when I decided to use this as a focus during the financial results meeting in January and wrote the manuscript for the presentation”. 

With Nintendo branching out into a lot of different fields such as: Healtcare, and DLC; it’s perfectly clear that they can do whatever they want. But to what resolution will we see with this kind of attitude from our family entertainment company?  This is a very interesting speech presented by Satoru Iwata, and it makes us all open our minds, and toward the future of Nintendo.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Lots of explosions and action in Revenge of the Titans

revenge of the titans
Revenge of the Titans are a very "different" kind of RTS game. But in a good way.

Puppygames Studios, new RTS title Revenge of the Titans, is really something extraordinary. The game takes place in the future where an alien race is attacking the Earth (The Titans), and you must launch a strategy based assault with your weapons, so that you can defeat the annoying aliens.

Revenge of the Titans is a classic game, with a huge touch of nostalgia, for those who are Command and Conquer players, or fans of Tower Defense games.

The campaign mode begins on Earth, which is basically your tutorial, but soon ventures out across the solar system to other planets, moons, and towards the Titans’ home. You can fight, or coast your way through over 50 enticing levels, that offer complex gameplay, and intense concentration. Let’s get into the finer details of what makes this RTS so loveable, and desired.

Levels and Gameplay:
Assessing the map, and the entry points of the Titans, allows the player to extract funds from mineral deposits, and buy turrets to dispatch the Titans before they destroy your base. Resources can be collected, by shooting Titans, and placing said refineries next to mineral deposits scattered about each stage. Once a refinery is full, clicking on it you can extract the funds, and resume the process.

Extraction ends when the mineral deposit has been depleted. Adding more refineries will allow you to extract more cash at a quicker pace, but this requires your attention to be split further across your map. I highly recommend this, as it will allow you to research new technology in new levels, and it will rollover to the newer maps.

Bonuses on the levels:
Random pick-ups also appear across each level for short periods of time. These are often small cash bonuses, or they can be special weapons; temporary buffs; and permanent upgrades. Special pick-ups are stored for use, and will stack if you collect more than one. In the same manner as your cash funds, they roll over to the next level, so there’s a spend it, or save it option.

Boss Fights:
On the final stage of each Planet, or Moon, there is a boss battle to defeat in addition to the usual hordes of Titans, these are large lumbering creatures capable of destroying your base on contact, and take a lot of fire power to bring down.

I highly recommend creating defense barriers for them to get through, before reaching you, with the heaviest Technology you can manage to acquire. Each level automatically generates on the hardest difficulty but can be reset, so that an easier version is made available (for the softies).

If you don’t want to restart the level and lower the difficulty, you can play an earlier mission in the hopes of acquiring more resources or technology. So there’s plenty of breathing space for anyone having trouble. Completing levels on a higher difficulty will give you a medal.

Medals are awarded for anything,  from hoarding a load of cash, to playing recklessly. They’re basically achievement points, or trophies, for those who are more familiar with that sentiment.

Buy Revenge of the Titans now!:
If you buy the game now, you will get it for $14.99 via Steam. This offer includes over 50 levels from the Earth, to the Moon. With over 40 different types of Technology, and 29 buildings to experience, you’ll thoroughly enjoy Revenge of the Titans. But you should hurry because the offer won’t last long, if you wait, the price will go up to $24.99. Go get it now!

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Vinnarum presenterar Aliens - Sponsrad video

aliens video slot
"I rymden kan ingen höra dig skrika".

Med tanke på att Alien Isolation är högst aktuellt då spelet har release den 7 Oktober i år. Så vart jag väl inte direkt så där jätte förvånad över att det kommit ett kasinospel med ett Alien tema (Vinnarrum i samarbete med Net Entertainment). 

Inte mig emot dock. Då jag gillar Aliens. Alien 2 är dock fortfarande den bästa filmen imo, och "Aliens video slot" spelet är faktiskt baserat på just Alien 2 (filmen från 1986). Så gillar ni Aliens, och känner för en lite "annorlunda" typ utav casino upplevelse. 

Då kan "kanske" Aliens video slot vara något för dig.

***sponsrat inlägg*** 

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Monochroma - Cinematic teaser trailer

Monochroma will be released to PC, MAC, Linux, PSV, PS4, PS3, 360 and Xbox One.

Today is a really good day. Well, at least if you like Nowhere Studios puzzle/action/platformer "Monochroma". Why? Because the "Cinematic teaser trailer" was released today! So i added both the video and the official press release to this post.

So, please enjoy! =)

Press release:
"Istanbul, April 29, 2014 - Independent developer Nowhere Studios launched a new cinematic teaser trailer for its upcoming story driven platform game Monochroma.

Set in an alternate dystopian state during the 1950’s, Monochroma follows the story of a boy and his brother who witness a horrific crime committed by an evil corporation. Narratively led, with no cut-scenes, text or spoken words, Monochroma offers a deep visual, intellectual and emotional attachment, as the brothers work together to progress past devilishly clever puzzles to save their world from tyranny.

Monochroma’s producer Burak Tezateşer emphasizes that the trailer serves as a clue for viewers to unravel the paranoia and foreboding aspects of the story. Spread over four chapters, players will navigate challenging puzzles through multi-storied ghettos, a labyrinth of sewer tunnels, factories and a city sized zeppelin hovering in the sky.

“Monochroma is a game that questions the essence of playing a video game. A game might entertain players, make them feel good about themselves, or even help them socialize; but a good game should also be able to satisfy players emotionally and intellectually, make players think about their lives, society and the system they are living in the same way a good movie or novel does” says Tezateşer.

Inspired by the developers’ childhood memories of moving from the countryside to urban Istanbul and the “Gezi Protests” of 2013 - the most violently oppressed protest in modern Turkey - the game questions the societies of control, disinformation of media, destruction of nature, child labor exploitation and the liberal economy; all of which have been inspired by movies, classic stories and games.

As a social responsibility project Nowhere Studios also announced that they are donating $1 to the “Save The Children” organization for every sale made via their own website. They are also donating 15% of their revenue made in Turkey to an organization for homeless children."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Outcast Reboot HD - The worst Kickstarter campaign yet?

outcast reboot hd 
The original version of Outcast was released back in 1999 (by Appeal and Infogrames).

I honestly don't know what i shall feel about Fresh3D Inc´s "Outcast Reboot HD" Kickstarter campaign. One part of me yells "Yay", while another part of me says "Money grabbing much?". And i can´t really say that the Outcast Reboot HD Kickstarter video, are doing the game (nor the Kickstarter campaign) any favours.

I´m not saying that the Outcast Reboot HD team are bad. Or that the whole idea behind Outcast Reboot HD are bad. But the Kickstarter video, and the "Outcast Reboot HD: first gameplay" video.Really made me think twice about investing my money in Outcast Reboot HD.

And the thing is this. Fresh3D needs $600,000 via Kickstarter (they have collected $238,000 so far). Or else there will be no Outcast Reboot HD. And there´s just 8 days left on the Kickstarter watch now. So the time is running out fast.

The only thing that could save Outcast Reboot HD from a certain death. Would be to do a whole set of ingame gameplay videos for the game. Because that´s the nr 1 thing that the fans hav been complaining about (read the comments below).

Oh well, i guess that we just have to wait and see how this turns out...

"This is a pretty horrible campaign as luis matheus noted, you cant show videos and screenshots that look like this. It completely kills the hype and all of the excitement that people might have had for this game. A prototype should be a MOCK-UP that is representative of the final look, you are supposed to keep the WIP stuff to yourselves. Make a mockup of the final game so we can see what it would actually look like." - Christopher Knight

"Worst Kickstarter campaign I've ever seen, had lots of potential, but it's ultimately gonna fail because your incompetence managing your media.

But the biggest mistake you guys made was making this video in the first place. It does NOT raise the hopes of anyone who isn't a fan, not everyone is gonna bother noticing that this is a Pre-Alpha and they're just gonna jump to the conclusion that it's the old game given a facelift.

The worst part of this is that I actually had hopes for your game, and I only wished for the best, but your project is just going to be one more dot in the long line of failed Kickstarters." - Luís Matheus

About Outcast Reboot HD:
"Fresh3D is bringing you a reboot of HD of 'Outcast', an action-adventure game developed in 1999 for the PC.

Outcast has been critically acclaimed to the point it has reach some cult status among many PC gamers. However, the software-only nature of the original engine (using voxels) meant the game has been ignored by many at a time when hardware-accelerated 3d polygons was becoming the norm.

Today, we have the opportunity to bring this fantastic game to a wider and newer audience and to reward existing fans with brand new HD visuals and improved gameplay."

Outcast was one of the first 3d games to offer:
- Non-linear gameplay,
- Free-roaming environments,
- Combats against clever reactive AI,
- Excellent voice acting,
- symphonic music,
- 20+ hours of highly engrossing adventure.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Systembolaget - Sponsrad video

Drick med förstånd!

Då det snart är dags för studentfester över hela Sverige. Så är det också viktigt att tänka på det här med drickandet. För varje år så är det problem med både spritlangning, bråk och rattfylla i samband med studenten i Sverige. Därför har också System Bolaget dragit igång sin "Antilangning" kampanj.

Vars syfte är att informera samhället (främst Sveriges tonårsföräldrar) om langningens konsekvenser. Det ska även nämnas att System Bolaget erbjuder hjälp och råd, till folk som vill veta hur de säger nej till sina tonåringar i samband med alkoholkonsumtion.

Mitt råd är dock följande. OM du ska dricka, drick då lagom. Och tänk inte äns tanken på att köra bil med alkohol i blodet. För det kan förstöra både ditt och andras liv.

***sponsrat inlägg***

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Firefox 29 - Out now!

firefox 29 
Firefox, now better than ever before. So i´ve been told.

As we all know. Google´s "Chrome" are dominating the web browser market (which it has done for quite some time now). And naturally, that have effected other web browsers and companies. Such as Mozilla and their web browser "Firefox".

Mozilla have tried to take back some market shares from Google. But due the fact that Firefox 28 suffered from a lot of issues (flash plugin crashes for one). And that just made things worse for Mozilla and Firefox (a lot of people left Firefox for Chrome because of the issues).

Me, i started to use Chrome more and more after the Firefox 28 release. But today i downloaded Firefox 29. Which offers a brand new design, a lot of new features, and it´s said to fix a lot of the previous well known issues from Firefox 28.

I can´t rate or give Firefox 29 a grade yet though. Because i have just used it for a couple of hours. But so far i am really enjoying Firefox 29. And btw, these are the system requirements for Firefox 29.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

1,000 subscribers! - Thank you so much!

1k subs
It´s party time!

Yes, we made it! Because now we got 1,000 subscribers on youtube (+1050 actually). It toke sometime, but we reached our goal =)So thank you so much for all the love and support people!

We will now start the long and hard road to 10K subs on Youtube (we hope to reach that goal before this year is over).
But i think we can make it with your help (our viewers and dear fans).

So let´s make that journey together =) Now, feel free to comment and leave feedback on this subject. 
Thanks in advance!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

She Got Game - A female video game documentary

she got game
Yep, she got game. Or, to be exact. She got "games".

Not to be evil or ignorant now. But i honestly didn't know who "Cailleah Scott-Grimes" was (she´s a very lovely and talented lady though). Before i watched her Kickstarter video just now. Because Cailleah decided to make a Kickstarter campaign for her video game documentary "She Got Game".

And it went great! Because the orignal goal was to collect $10,000 CAD. Well, She Got Game collected over $12,000 CAD! So that means that the "She Got Game" documentary will happend after all. So i look forward seeing it =)

About She Got Game:
"Ditching the kitchen and grabbing the controller: Uncovering the challenges and misconceptions of women in gaming.

Whether they’re rocking it out on their home consoles or portable gaming devices, designing the next hit RPG or competing in the Major League Gaming Championship, women are building a gaming world of their own. And yet their interests and achievements are still often subject to slander and silly stereotypes. Fake geek gamer girl? Get real! We're ditching the kitchen. We're grabbing the controllers. We're here to listen to some real stories.

We want to know: How does gaming really fit into women's lives socially and professionally? What challenges do these women face every day? What are they doing to change the way video games are made and perceived?

Support She Got Game and join us in exploring the social labyrinth of gaming from a woman's perspective.

So what angle are we coming from? The best way to learn about our Kickstarter is to watch the She Got Game trailer above. This video explains who we are and what we hope to achieve with your help. As proud as we are of our video clip, it's just that... a promo. It's just a taste of what we plan to create. With proper funding this project has the potential to add a fresh, original voice to current perspectives on gaming.

The bigger the budget, the bigger the impact we can make. The promo gives a taste of what we've done and people we've talked to so far..."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Last Tinker: City of Colors - World trailer

the last tinker city of color
The Last Tinker ain´t far away now.

I just heard that Mimimi Productions action/platform game "The Last Tinker: City of Colors" are soon to be released on Steam (on May the 12th). And to make things even better. There´s a 10% price cut on The Last Tinker at the moment (it´s yours for 19,79 Euro via Steam). 

So if you wanna make a good deal. Then head over to Steam and buy The Last Tinker right away! And oh, don´t forget to checkout the "World trailer" as well (while you're at it).

Press release:
"San Francisco, USA -- April 28th, 2014 -- Award-winning developer Mimimi Productions and Unity Games are pleased to announce that the 3D action adventure game The Last Tinker: City of Colors, will be available for Windows PC, Mac and Linux on May 12th through digital distribution service Steam. In this award-winning platformer, players battle the forces of evil as Koru, a cheerful and acrobatic young boy with unique abilities, aims to return brightness and vitality back to his homeland. For pricing and additional information visit: http://steam.thelasttinker.com"

About The Last Tinker:
In a world where creativity has given way to conflict, a young street kid living in the slums of Colortown seeks to restore the spark of imagination to his hometown. As Koru, you must harness the power of color to defeat the Bleakness and make Colortown vibrant once again. A charming blend of modern platforming and multicolored style, The Last Tinker is a one-of-a-kind adventure.

Along with having recently been awarded the “Best Game in Show, Audience Choice” prize at the 2014 Casual Connect conference, The Last Tinker also won the "Best Project" award at Game Connection 2011.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Mad Max - Breaking news!

mad max 2015
Mad Max will be released some time next year (for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, 360 and PC).

It´s been rather quite about Avalanche Studios upcoming game "Mad Max". But then i heard about what Shahid Kamal Ahmad (Sony) wrote on Twitter just recently. Which would be the following:

“BTW – What I saw today? Was so good, so good”, he announced via Twitter. “Such a privilege. I’m a lucky sod… no hints Ben!” Shahid Kamal Ahmad, Sony

Then i found out about the new Mad Max trailer as well ("Extended Cut: Mad Max - Magnum Opus Trailer"). Which then lead me to a very interesting article at the Official Playstation Magazine site. So if you wanna know more about Mad Max the game.

Then you should check that article out asap!

Official Playstation Magazine

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Grave - A Indie survival horror game for Xbox One

grave xbox one 
Grave will also be released to MAC, Linux and PC.
Just 6 hours ago Broken Window Studios indie survival horror game "Grave". Got founded via Kickstarter (+$37,000). And not only does that mean that Grave will actually happen. It also means that the game will be released to Xbox One via ID@Xbox (the Independent Developers Publishing Program for Xbox One).

So things are getting better and better for the Xbox One players. Well, at least if you like horror games. And Grave seems to be scary as hell imo (watch the trailer further down the page). And IF i´m not wrong now. Then you should be able to download and play the PC demo of Grave.

So if you like horror games. Then you should check Grave out asap!

About Grave:
"Grave is an open-world, surrealist-inspired, procedural survival horror experience. Our goal is to provide a much needed update to the survival horror formula, injecting it with the tension and fear of modern horror games while still retaining the strategy and survival elements of classic genre staples. The game is being Developed in the Unity game engine, and we are hoping to push the graphical fidelity to its limit."


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Will Fallout 4 really be at E3? - The point

fallout 4 e3 
Will Bethesda really show Fallout 4 during this years E3?

Ah, yes. Fallout 4. THE game that everyone (And everything) wants to play. But there´s just one tiny little problem. Bethesda are very, very quite about Fallout 4´s existence. I mean, we all know that it´s in the making (because anything else would be plain stupidity).

But still, very little are known about Fallout 4. And as you might already know. There's quite a lot of rumors circling around the web at the moment. Like the fact that Fallout 4 "might" be shown at the E3 event this summer.

And that´s also the rumor that Gamespot and The point spoke up about just recently (checkout the movie further down the page). But what do you guys think? Will Fallout 4 really be shown at E3 this year?


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Wildstar - EP1 - Brokeback mountain

wildstar ep1
Keep calm and just...ehrm, hug each other?

I finally decided to give Carbine Studios Mmorpg game "Wildstar" a chance today. And i´m really glad that i did. Because it´s a really, really good and entertaining game.But i do of course realize that Wildstar ain´t everybodys cup of tea.

I´m quite sure that not everyone will love the cartoon graphics for example. And if you don´t. Then you're not going to enjoy Wildstar at all. Me, i´m cool with it. And let´s just say that i much rather play Wildstar, than say Wow.

I have to make up my mind if i shall buy the full game or not though. Because i won´t have time with both TES Online and Wildstar.

Oh well. Please enjoy my very first Wildstar video people =)

/Jonas E
The Gaming Ground

Realm of the mad god - A really good F2P MMO shooter game

realm of the mad god
Believe it or not, there's more enjoyment with this MMO than Diablo 3.

I just discovered one of the best MMORPG’S, I have ever played. Realm of the Mad God, by Wild Shadow Studio’s.  I have never experienced a RPG like this before. The game consists of players shooting projectiles from their weapons, and destroying enemies to earn both experience, and equipment.  

Your character moves around using the WASD keys, (but you can choose other controls) and the mouse to shoot. Contrary to the usual practice in MMOs, the experience for killing is awarded to those present, not split across the board to the dead.

Realm of the Mad God is a very unique MMORPG. The level cap is set at 20, so you don’t get a stretch goal for leveling, or grinding. The saving grace, is that you do get several different options for characters to start with. The classes are:  Wizard, Priest, Archer, Rogue, Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Assassin, Necromancer, Huntress, Mystic, Trickster, Ninja and Sorcerer. Players can only use the "Wizard" to start, but you have the ability to unlock additional classes after reaching levels 5 throughout 20.

I can see why Realm of The Mad God would not appeal to everyone. MMORPG’s, such as World of Warcraft, and Starcraft would offer a much lengthier campaign, with single player experience, but Realm of the Mad God, will give you fast action, leaderboard stats, and quicker rewards for your efforts.

Whatever your MMORPG preference may be, Realm of the Mad God is one you should give a try. It’s simplistic, fun, and highly entertaining with unlimited replay value. It’s available from Steam, go download it!

About Realm of the mad god:
"Realm of the Mad God is the first ever cooperative MMO bullet hell shooter. Fight monsters in groups of up to 85 players!

Dodge blasts from devious monsters while you work with friendly teammates to take down the Mad God himself. Realm is a major advance for MMOs, putting dozens of players into the middle of an intense action game straight out of the arcades. The game is free to play; jump in for 5 minutes or stay for hours."
- Action combat! No turn-based battles here, only skilled running and gunning.
- Epic boss battles. Navigate demented waves of bullets from nasty demons.
- True cooperative play. All experience is shared and you win by playing together
- Great 8-bit art: Retro styling straight from the 8-bit era.
- Easy leveling. No mindless grinding. Get better by being becoming better.
- Over a dozen unique character classes. Play as a powerful wizard, a clever mystic, a brawling warrior.
- Loot! Hundreds of weapons, potions, armors, and rings.
- PermaDeath. Dying well means something in Realm. Earn fame if you survive for long enough and kill enough monsters.
- Sheep. The sheep say 'Baa'

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

The Atari E.T. games have been found in New Mexico´s desert

Yep, they do exist after all.

Well ain´t this a nice coincidence. AVGN fears (and hates) E.T for the Atari 2600. And in AVGN the movie, AVGN actually tries to find the burial site for all those E.T cartridges in New Mexico. And today i heard that the whole story about Atari and the E.T cartridges actually are true. 

You know, the urban legend about the 14 trucks of unsold Atari products (1983). That were driven to a landfill in New Mexico (the desert) somewhere? Well, it seems like IGN has proved that the Atari urban legend really are true (see the picture above).

If you are interested to know more about this great find *sarcasm*. Then you can read more about this at IGN.com. Me, i think they just opened up the pandora's box...

"Urban legend confirmed! #Atari #ET cartridges found! #digginget" http://instagram.com/p/nQ5qDbsTFR/# - IGN via Twitter 


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Denmark goes Minecraft

minecraft denmark
The picture are borrowed from PC Gamer.com

Yes, i just happen to be 25% Danish. And i´m very proud of that as well. So the news about the 1:1 scale Denmark replica of in Minecraft, sure made my day at least. I mean, now i can visit Denmark when ever i feel like it =)

I wonder when there will be a Japan replica in Minecraft? Or perhaps it already exists? Anyhow. Which country would you like to see next in Minecraft, and why?

PC Gamer.com

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - The darkness awaits you

middle earth shadow of mordor
Shadow of Mordor will be released to PC, PS, PS4, Xbox One and 360 on the 7th of October.
It´s been a very, very long time since i ever cared about a LOTR game. But Monolith Productions Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (it´s a action/rpg game). Sure caught my attention. Mainly because Shadow of Mordor seems to be a very dark LOTR game.

And from what i´ve been told. Shadow of Mordor will allow us to explore the more unknown parts of the LOTR universe. So "if" everything goes well. Then Shadow of Mordor might just become a really awesome (and uniq) LOTR experience.

Well, we shall all find out in October. Because Shadow of Mordor are set for a release on the 7th of October. So don´t forget to pre-order the game in time!

About Middle-Earth - Shadow of Mordor:
"You are Talion, a Ranger of the Black Gate, keeping watch over Mordor which has remained undisturbed for ages. In the blink of an eye, everything is taken from you - your friends, your family, and even your own life. Resurrected by a vengeful spirit, you must now embark on a relentless vendetta against those who have wronged you. Fight through Mordor and uncover the truth of the spirit that compels you, discover the origins of the Rings of Power, build your legend and ultimately confront the evil of Sauron in this new chronicle in Middle-earth."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Dungeon Keeper - The color of money

dungeon keeper
Pay to win much? 

Omfg...I don´t even know where i should begin whit this one. But i'm going to start this off by saying that i have been a fan of Bullfrogs Dungeon Keeper series, since the very first game. That´s also why i am somewhat angry and sad at the moment.

Not at Bullfrog and the Dungeon Keeper series of course (Because i love em both!). But Because of EA´s "money grabbin" mobile version of Dungeon Keeper for iOS and Android. I mean, not only are the game a "pay to win" kind of title.

It´s also a extremely buggy game. No, i am not joking. The game crashes after just a few minutes. So imo, play Nekro, Overlord or War for the Overworld instead. Because at the moment. Dungeon Keeper are just a waste of time and money...

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Final Fantasy XV - The beginning of the end?

final fantasy xv
Final Fantasy XV are a TBA title for Xbox One and the PS4. 

Funny. There´is almost one year ago since Square Enix showed the whole world their Final Fantasy XV trailer at E3 (2013). And here we are. It´s 2014, and E3 are coming up fast. So what have changed since E3 2013? Well, A whole lot actually.

For starter, the Final Fantasy fans have started to lose their trust and faith in Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIV Online did however, repair some of that distrust. But will that be enough? Well, not if you ask Sony. Because if you haven't heard it yet.

Sony just sold their entire stake in Square Enix (which are/were valued to around 47 million dollars). And imo, it´s quite clear that Sony have lost both their interest and trust in Square Enix. And i don´t know if Final Fantasy XV (and Kingdom Hearts 3) would change anything of that. if it sells really well i mean.

Because i have this feeling that the damage has already been done. And it can´t be undone. At the same time. How much longer will the Final Fantasy IP last really? I mean, Square has been milking that franchise to death since the 1987...

About Final Fantasy XV:
"The armed forces of Niflheim launch a devastating assault upon the Kingdom of Lucis, casting Crown Prince Noctis and his comrades out of their homes and into the fray. The engaging tale to follow draws audiences into an awe-inspiring world steeped in the rich storytelling traditions of SQUARE ENIX's renowned First Production Development Team.

FINAL FANTASY XV will be available for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One®."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Nekro Steam Trailer - Coming to Steam on May 2nd!

Nekro, soon on a PC near you.

I really enjoyed the beta of darkForge Games action/Strategy game Nekro (it´s like a mix of Myth and Dungeon Keeper). So i am very happy to inform you guys that Nekro will be released on Steam on the 2th of May!

And yes, we will continue to record more Nekro videos. As soon as we get our Steam key for the game that is. Which should be very soon. Anyhow, i can´t wait to play more levels of Nekro asap!

About Nekro:
"Nekro challenges you, a once powerful Alchemist, to destroy the King who betrayed you. As you seek vengeance, you turn to the dark powers of the world, transforming yourself into a Necromancer, raiser of the dead. Summoning an undead army, you march towards the King’s castle, letting nothing stand in your way.

Playing with the speed and fluidity of an old-school action game, Nekro promises an intense and captivating gameplay experience from start to finish. Use different minions in unison to create a force that’s greater than the sum of its parts. Utilize a unique blood mechanic to harvest the flesh of your enemies as you power your undead war machine."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - A FPS open world RPG game

kingdom come deliverance
Kingdom Come hit the jackpot on Kickstarter.

I'm quite sure that no one could have imagine (not even in their wildest dreams. That Kingdom Come would be able to collect over 1 million pounds via Kickstarter (the goal was to rise £30,0000). I bet that it came as a big surprise (And shock) to Warhorse Studios themselves.

But now that Kingdom Come are fully founded (It successfully funded on Feb 20) one may wonder the following things.

1. Will Kingdom Come live up to all the hypé?
2. Are the game really worth 1,1 miljon pounds?
3. Kingdom Come Vs The Witcher 3. Which game will win that fight?

Oh well. Time will tell i guess. But i have to admit that i really liked the Kingdom Come live stream at least.

About Kingdom Come:
"A first-person, open world, realistic RPG that will take you to Medieval Europe in a time of great upheaval and strife. A humble, young blacksmith loses everything to war. As he tries to fulfill the dying wish of his father, Fate drags him into the thick of a conspiracy to save a kidnapped king and stop a bloody conflict.

You will wander the world, fighting as a knight, lurking in the shadows as a rogue, or using the bard’s charm to persuade people to your cause. You will dive deep into a sweeping, epic, nonlinear story from Daniel Vávra, an award-winning designer from the Mafia series. Our unique, first-person combat system lets you wield sword or bow in both one-on-one skirmishes and large-scale battles. All of this - and more - brought to life beautifully with next-gen visuals delivered via Cryengine."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Deep Down - Capcoms dungeon crawler RPG

ps5 deep down
Will "Deep Down" offer a new RPG game experience? Or will it be the same old thing as always?

As we all know by now. Capcom´s Resident Evil series are dieing. So Capcom are in desperat need of a new and successful IP. And i don´t think that Resident Evil 7 will bring anything of that to Capcom. But "Deep Down" on the other hand.

That game might just be the most important game that Capcom has made since Resident Evil 4. But Deep Down are not survival horro game. It´s a RPG/ dungeon crawler game (exclusive for PS4). And a darn interesting one too.

Deep Down are however a TBA title at the moment. But i´m quite sure that Capcom will show a lot more from Deep Down during the E3 event. But in the meanwhile, please enjoy the very first Deep Down trailer.

About Deep Down:
"Capcom is pleased to announce that it has decided to develop the first title, "deep down -working title-." This title is to be developed using "Panta Rhei," Capcom's proprietary software development engine to provide the optimum game development environment for next-generation game consoles. "Panta Rhei" supports the latest graphics, enhances work flow to bring down development costs, and improves development efficiency in order to raise game quality."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Rube Works - Now on Steam!

rube works
A must play for everyone that likes puzzle games.

It toke some time. But i am now very happy to inform you all that Electric Eggplant´s uber neat puzzle game "Rube Works". Are no available via Steam. But there´s more good news. Because there´s a 40% discount on Rube Works at the moment (it´s yours for 2,99 Euro).

You better hurry up though. Because the disscount price ends on  the 29th of april! 


Press release:
"Today is a great day for puzzle fans, as Rube Works: The Official Rube Goldberg Invention Game, the critically acclaimed contraption-building title from industry veteran David Fox and his development team at Electric Eggplant, is available now for PC, Mac and Linux platforms via Steam.

Previously released for mobile platforms, Rube Works received high marks for its fantastic use of Rube Goldberg's humorous cartoon artwork and crazy contraptions which challenge the player's skills at connecting multiple day-to-day objects together to create amazing things.

Rube Works is now available for PC, Mac and Linux for a fantastic introductory price of just £2.00 / €2.39. Don't wait, as the price goes up to £3.99 / €4.99 in just seven days!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty - Prices and release dates

oddworld new n tasty 
Do you remember this scene? 

This Saturday sure started off in a really good way (so i must say). Why? Well, i just found out that Oddworld Inhabitants have announced the prices for their upcoming game "Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty" (PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Mac, PC and Linux.).

Which would be 24,99 Euro in EU, £19,99 in the UK, and $29,00 in US. But there´s one more thing. Because the Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty release date will be announced BEFORE E3 starts in June (which starts on the 9th of June). 

So, on which format will you play Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty? Me, i would say PC.

About Oddworld New ‘n’ Tasty:
"Abe is back and he's Odder than ever in this brand new gameplay footage that showcases the dynamic new visual effects, refined gameplay and explosive new sound design of Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, a dramatic ground-up remake of the classic Abe's Oddysee.

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty will be out soon on PS3, PS4 and PS Vita, with PC, Wii U, Mac and Linux to follow."


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Diablo 2 Median XL - Druid part 22 - The cursed jungle

d2 median xl part 22
Ehrm...There´s nothing to see here. So, move along!

Way back in time there was this game called "Jungle Strike". Well, that game ain´t got a shit on D2 Median XL when it comes to fu**ing evil jungles. I´m not kidding.

The whole jungle area are cursed to hell. Even the little frogs are deadly to the max (in large groups you stand no chance in hell to win).
So basicly, your best option to survive.

Would be guerilla warfare (hit and run). Especially due the fact that i´m playing as the druid (which are no tank class).
But at least i'm advancing forward. Yard by yard, corpse by corpse. 

So welcome to part 22 of my adventures as the druid in D2 Median XL!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Heavy Steam - A steampunk themed strategy boardgame

heavy steam
Ah, steampunk. So we meet again.

I have seen and played many different kinds of boardgames over the years. But i can´t really say that i have seen that mean steampunk boardgames. But that´s exactly what Greenbrier Games "Heavy Steam" are all about.

Or to be exakt. Heavy Steam are a "steampunk themed strategy boardgame". I just watched the Kickstarter video for the game. And it looks pretty neat imo. There is a catch to all this however. Because Heavy Steam needs to collect $55,000 via Kickstarter ($31,000 has been collected so far).

Or else there will be no Heavy Steam. But due the fact that there´s still 18 days left on the Kickstarter watch. I´m quite sure that Greenbrier Games will reach that goal in time.

About Heavy Steam:
"Heavy Steam is a steampunk themed strategy and resource management game that uses mechs called steam titans in miniature based combat!

Set in a steampunk universe, Heavy Steam is a game about piloting a giant mechanical humanoid war machine of doom. As a pilot you use the steam titan’s resources to strategically complete scenario objectives. More often than not it’s to defeat your opponent, but you’ve never shied away from a fight, have you?"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Xbox One has sold more than 5 million units so far

xbox one
Titanfall are the nr 1 best selling game for the Xbox One at the moment.

I know that i have been quite "rough" on Microsofts Xbox One. But here´s some good Xbox One news at least. For starter, the Xbox One has sold over 5 million units since it´s release in November last year. In fact, Xbox One sold +311,000 consoles in March this year (in the states). 

And Titanfall are doing really well on the Xbox One. In matter of fact. It´s THE best selling game to Xbox One (for the time being). So who knows? Titanfal might actually sell a lot of Xbox One consoles in Japan as well?

I guess we just have to wait and see. But this sure is a good start if nothing else.

Highlights from March 2014 NPD Group results include:
- Xbox One continues selling at a strong pace with 311,000 units sold in the U.S. in the month of March, surpassing Xbox 360 sales by more than 60 percent at the same point in time.
- Xbox 360 continues to grow its install base with 111,000 units sold in March in the U.S., more than any other seventh generation console.
- Xbox One continues to see impressive software sales with an average of 2.9 games sold per console.
- With Xbox One and Xbox 360 combined, the Xbox platform sold the most games across all console platforms with 4.1 million games sold. Xbox One sold 1.4 million games in March and Xbox 360 sold 2.7 million, totaling
- 49 percent of the total software market share (Xbox 360 and Xbox One combined).
- During the month of March, Xbox One and Xbox 360 games in the top 10 title lists were as follows:
- Xbox One held four top titles in the generation eight top 10 console game title list in the U.S. including: “Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” “Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes,” “ Titanfall.”
- Xbox 360 held six top titles in the generation seven top 10 console game title list in the U.S. include: “Minecraft,” “Dark Souls II,” “The Lego Movie Video Game,” “Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” “South Park: The Stick of Truth.”

Data from NPD Group, March 2014

*Internal Microsoft data


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Magic The Gathering - Journey into Nyx

magic the gathering journey into nyx
And what a journey it shall be.

If you are a fan of Magic The Gathering. Then i have some really good and pleasant news for you. Because the third and final set of the Theros block  "Journey into Nyx". Will be released very soon (the pre-release will take place on the 26th and 27th of April).

And you will find everything you need to know (and more) further down the page =)

Press release:
"The time has come for Magic players and fans worldwide to rival the gods in the third and final set of the Theros block - Journey into Nyx!

Theros - a bright plane inspired by ancient Greek mythology, and filled with gods, heroes, and monsters - has become a battlefield. The gods have sent their forces against the mortals to punish the hubris of a few. But the mortals have risen up in defiance and the time has come when you will be tested against a god. To find out more about the background story watch the Journey into Nyx trailer here.

Journey into Nyx features 165 new cards including the brand-new Planeswalker card Ajani, Mentor of Heroes and 5 new two-color gods. The set also introduces two never-seen-before mechanics - Constellation and Strive.

Journey into Nyx is not just the final set in the Theros block but also the epic conclusion of the Hero’s Path – a Magic entertainment experience made up of different quests that include puzzles, battles and rewards, all of which happen at local game stores during Prerelease, Launch Weekend and Game Day."

Prerelease: April 26 – 27
The Journey into Nyx Prerelease is a sneak peek opportunity for players can try out the new cards and mechanics of Journey into Nyx for the first time at their local game store, before they are widely released. They will also enter the seventh quest of their Hero’s Path where they’ll be asked to Forge a Godslayer and select a Prerelease Pack that best represents their approach. More information about the Prerelease can be found here.

Launch Weekend: May 2 – 4
During Launch Weekend players will be asked to solve a mysterious puzzle as they face the eighth quest on the Hero’s Path. May 2 is also the day Journey into Nyx goes on sale – players will be able to purchase Booster Packs, Intro Packs and the Fat Pack. Visit our product page for more information.

Pro Tour Journey into Nyx: May 16 – 18
Held in Atlanta, USA, Pro Tour Journey into Nyx features the completion of Theros block and the debut of the new Journey into Nyx set on the premier-play stage. The world’s top players will battle for fame, glory, and $250,000 in cash prizes in the Theros Block Constructed and Theros Block Booster Draft formats. On all 3 days there will be extensive LIVE video coverage at twitch.tv/magic. Full event details and webcast schedule can be found here.

During Sunday’s live broadcast, we will also exclusively be revealing the name and details of Magic’s fall 2014 set release, currently codenamed “Huey” – tune in to find out where we’re heading next…

Game Day: May 24 – 25
Game Day is the ninth and final quest on the Hero’s Path and players will face their destiny by attempting to become the champion of their local store! They can also pit their Standard deck against a self-running Challenge Deck simulating a battle against the god Xenagos and his followers. Players will be able to purchase their own Challenge Deck to play at home too. Additionally, they’ll be able to get their hands on the Journey into Nyx Event Deck - a ready to 

play 60-card deck perfect for any Standard tournament. More information about Game Day can be found here.

Grand Prix Manchester: May 30 – June 1
Magic players of the UK and Europe will congregate at Event City in Manchester for a weekend festival of Magic! Grand Prix are the largest open events Magic offers, boasting a minimum prize pool of $35,000, with UK Grand Prix typically seeing an attendance of around 2000 players. Whether you’re a Magic veteran or brand new player, this is sure to be the highlight of your year, and is a can’t-miss event!

Please let us know should you have any questions, would like to review any of our products, or would like to attend and cover any of these exciting upcoming events, and we’d be delighted to help you!

About Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering is the first and most widely played trading card game with more than 20 million players and fans worldwide. Players take on the role of Planeswalkers – powerful mages who battle others for glory, knowledge and conquest.

Their weapons include spells, creatures, and artifacts gathered from a vast multiverse of unique fantasy worlds. With over 12,000 different cards available, Magic offers an unrivaled depth of game play with many levels of choice and customization for its players. Beyond the trading card game, the franchise has extended onto digital platforms with Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers for Xbox, Steam, iPad
and Android.

About Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAS), is the leader in entertaining the lifestyle gamer. Wizards' players and fans are members of a global community bound together by their love of both digital gaming and in-person play. The company brings to market a range of gaming experiences under powerful brand names such as MAGIC: THE GATHERING, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and KAIJUDO. Wizards is also a publisher of fantasy series fiction with numerous New York Times best-sellers. For more information about our world renowned brands, visit the Wizards of the Coast Web site at www.wizards.com.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Finger snapping Super Mario - Emil Axelsson

fingersnapping super mario 
Emil knows how to finger snap like a boss.

This is the most random thing I’ve ever seen on Youtube. Have you ever snap your fingers, and swear you can hear the song you're snapping, but no one else can? And instead of them knodding and smiling, you look like a really confused idiot?

This Swedish guy looks confused as hell at first, if you mute the video, but when he snaps his fingers it sounds like the Super Mario Bros. theme song. It's ridiculously awesome. How did this happen? Maybe trying to light a matchhead, or he kept having eureka moments, either way its entertaining as hell to watch.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

All Because of Boobs - The Zombi Unicorn

all because of  boobs the zombi unicorn
The Zombi Unicorn herself. 

This is going to be a quite controversial subject (i´m more than aware of that). But i have been wanting to talk about this for quite sometime. Because i´m feedup with all the double morals and hippocrates on the net. I am of course talking about all the so called "Gamer girls" and "Boobs/cleavage" videos on Youtube.

Let´s get one thing straight from the very start. There are "real" Gamer girls. And there are fake Gamer girls. So what do i mean by "fake Gamer girls"? I´m talking about the kind of girls that don´t even play video games at all.

They just use their looks and pretend to be Gamers to get views on Youtube. Some may say (and think) "You´re just jealous". Well, that´s not the case. I´m just tired to see these kind of people geting rewarded for their stupid behavior.

And i can´t really say that their doing the female Gamer community any good either. I don´t know "The Zombi Unicorn" personally. But she went apeshit over this whole "Boobs" issiue in her video "All Because of Boobs".

One thing´s for sure though. The boobs videos will continue to dominate Youtube (and the web). And the "real" Gamer girls won´t be able to let their guards down anytime soon.

What about me then? Well, i hardly doubt that i can use my looks to boost our fame on Youtube. Because i don´t think that anyone would like to see my man boobs, nor my hairy man legs xD

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Xbox One gets Japan release date

xbox one japan
Are Microsoft starting to get desperate? 

A bold move by Microsoft was made today, after the technology giant announced that the Xbox One will launch in Japan on September 4, 2014. Apparently  dozens of developers are onboard for the launch, ready to make the game scene in the far east upstart immediately.

Not being a stranger to Japan, the late Xbox 360 tried, and failed miserably overseas in Asia. This was due simply to the reason that they were only interested in the console for RPG’S, and some shooters. But beyond that , there was nothing to be desired for the console, or its multi-player options.

A tweet from Xbox Japan revealed the date, while Japanese games magazine Famitsu, translated by Gematsu, says that various developers, such as Arc System Works, Bandai Namco, Capcom, Cave, CyberConnect2, From Software, Konami, Level 5 and Sega are all in the process of developing games for the system. Maybe Square Enix will pop up with stand-alone titles for Microsoft now.

Microsoft originally refused to comment on the Japanese launch of the Xbox One, and instead stated that the console would launch in Asia in late 2014. And with the recent console ban from China lifted, one can only speculate as to what this means for developers and uncharted territory with Asia. 

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

China Vs Nextgen games

china next gen
China ain´t a Gaming/Gamer friendly country. At least not for now.

Since China temporarily lifted its ban on foreign video game consoles in January, it was only a matter of time before the government offered new rules to regulate console, and game distribution. According to a Shanghai government release translated by Games in Asia, those rules will dictate the kind of content that won't be allowed to be sold in the country.

Such gambiling-related game features. This isn’t a surprise coming from the Chinese Government,  as they pass legislation upon things we think are foolish all the time, such as music, adult video’s, and news related media.


Additionally, anything deemed threatening to "China's national unity, sovereignty, or territorial integrity" and content that "instigates racial/ethnic hatred" won't be allowed in the country. Games also can not promote "obscenity, drug use, violence or gambling," as well as cults and superstitions.

Approved games cannot violate China's constitution, nor can they harm its culture, traditions and public ethics. So I guess Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros, and Skylander’s are out of the question?

The policies state that foreign companies, are to work with a local company to produce consoles within the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, such as Sony's PlayStation 4, or Microsoft's Xbox One, the latter of which arrived in 26 more regions just last month. This means that they are trying to establish in house consoles, that will most likely be locked down hardcore to prevent importing, and piracy.

Plus, games in China must go through an approval process with Shanghai's culture department, which will take "no longer than 20 days." This applies to game updates, with new content, such as DLC, even if the game itself was already approved. This could cause, a lot of people to still attempt to import games, and systems, unless the mail is checked very heavily in China, which wouldn’t surprise me.

Lastly, all console games will be required to have a simplified Chinese version, so publishers won't be able to simply re-sell Hong Kong and Taiwan versions of their games. So According to this article, China is trying to spear-head the gaming market by demanding exclusivity, and original content, period.

I find it funny, because when you read all of this, you want to ask why allow gaming to begin with at all?


/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Ace Attorney update - The very first trailer

phoenix wright
Ace Attorney Grand Turnabout Trial: The Adventures of Naruhodou Ryuunosuke. Takes place in the Meiji era.

So the first trailer for the new Meiji era Ace Attorney shows us the stars of the 3DS game, and their more classic courtroom backdrop. There's no gameplay featured, but we do get a very good look at Ryuichi Naruhodo, ancestor of one Phoenix Wright, and the lady who's likely his assistant in floral dress, Mikatoba Susato.

I still hope one of the Fey family members show up, and get accused of murder again, that would be epic to see, or have them threaten his ancestor, Ryuichi.

According to the Ace Attorney site Court-Records.net, Susato is an "ideal Japanese woman" who is a lover of foreign detectives, and a progressive dreamer. Knowing the Ace Attorney series, there's probably a bit more to her than that, hopefully something suspicious, to the point of death.

Capcom only just announced the game for Japan, so no surprise that there's no word on the turn-of-the-20th-century adventure turning out for the West. 

It does seem a little frustrating that Japan would make an exsclusive title for themselves, and not share it with the rest of the world. We did see this in a fashion with Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, as it was only released in North America on the Nintendo E-shop. 

Watch the trailer and comment below tell us what you think!!!

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Habitat - A Thousand Generations in Orbit

Habitat will be released for PC, MAC, Linux and Xbox One.

The people at 4gency studios got all the reasons to celebrate today. Why? Because their orbital strategy game "Habitat" has successfully reached its first funding goal via Kickstarter ($50,000!). And there´s still 7 days left on the Kickstarter watch.

So "hopefully", Habitat will reach some more Kickstarter goals before the time runs out.

Press release:
Seattle, WA - April 24th, 2014 -- Indie developer 4gency announced today that the upcoming orbital strategy game for Xbox One, PC, Mac and Linux, Habitat: A Thousand Generations in Orbit, has successfully reached its first funding goal through Kickstarter. With the initial $50,000 achieved, stretch goals have now been unlocked to secure integration of new features, including new gameplay modes and multiplayer battles. For more information about Habitat: A Thousand Generations in Orbit and to back this project, please visit:


“We are thrilled to have reached our initial funding goal and to now unveil the stretch goals for  Habitat”, said Charles Cox, Founder of 4gency. “The stretch goals are features that we’ve put a great deal of consideration into, as we want to make the best game possible and give the community an experience they’ll love. We are very excited about the future of Habitat and can’t wait to take this game to the next level”.

Kickstarter Stretch Goals:

$70K: Individual Tech Trees for Citizens and Engineers - Upgrade the world of Habitat even
more with genetic and technology upgrades for your denizens

$85K: Programmable AI Habitats - Automate habitats using a powerful and easy to use visual
editor to make habitats scout and explore, track threats, auto-build and fight enemies

$100K: Rocket Arena - Battle against 3 other friends on the same machine in a timed race to
construct and destroy using a shared field of debris

$115K: Mod Support - Script, skin, and share your own creations

$125K: Tower Defense Mode - Send and control waves of Habitats to try and take out an enemy

$150K: Dungeon Master Multiplayer - One player becomes the almighty dungeon master with
control over events and anomalies on the map while another player tries to finish their objective

About Habitat:
Set in the far future, Habitat: A Thousand Generations in Orbit is a space fan’s playground. Players must lead a team of engineers to gather debris floating in the vast wasteland of human and alien junk orbiting Earth to build and manage their own space stations, including the human residents residing within. 

But managing resources to maintain a healthy and happy extra-Earthly economy is only a part of Habitat, as players must also find ways to fend off enemies. To aid in this, Habitat introduces a new kind of combat using space debris as kinetic weaponry, which takes advantage of zero-gravity space conditions to defend habitats against enemies. Habitats can be destroyed in a matter of seconds, triggering massive chain reactions, so players must make some tough decisions to survive.

About 4gency:
4gency is an indie game studio based in Seattle, Washington. Founded by Charles Cox, a ten-year veteran of the video game industry, 4gency brings experience from Zipper Interactive, Microsoft Game Studios, Amazon, Big Fish Games, Sierra Studios and Pipeworks. Habitat is the team’s first Kickstarter funded game. For more information on 4gency visit: http://4gency.com

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Mario Kart 8 - The Wii-U bundle pack

mario kart 8 wii u bundle
The Mario Kart 8 bundle can be yours for £250.

Nintendo confirmed the Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundle for Europe today, but there's no word yet if it's coming to North America. Let’s keep our fingers crossed on this.

The Premium bundle packs in the 32GB black Wii-U with a hardcopy of the game, and all the accessories pictured within. It's launching alongside the game on May 30, priced £250 in the UK according to Nintendo's store.

Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8 will be released on the 30th of May in EU (the US have to wait for a release date though).

For around £50 more, owners can align with one of Nintendo's plumber brothers in Mario and Luigi themed Wii U pack (Notice that the accessories are themed Luigi?) packages bundle in your choice of red or green hats, Game-Pad protectors, Wii-U racing wheels and non-additional Wii Remote Plus controllers.

You also receive a game guide, which you probably won’t use, because you know how to make the blue tortoise shell work. The Mario and Luigi bundles, appear to be limited to the UK, and exclusive to Nintendo's online store.

Mario Kart 8 brings the long-running racer series to the Wii-U finally. It also features new elements like zero-g racing, piranha plant items, and lots of race cars. Underwater tracks are returning, and hopefully we will see some downloadable content for the game, but only time will tell.

With Mario and friends in tow, we’ll drift around corners to get you the info you need, as more is revealed.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Leo’s Fortune - A beautiful platform game for iOS

leos fortune
Can you help Leo to find his stolen fortune?

It sure seems like the Swedish indie studio 1337 and Senri (the creators of Devil’s Attorney and Dark Nebula) got something really nice going down with their iOS platform game "Leo’s Fortune" (it´s yours for $5 via the App store). At least that´s what i feelt when i watched the beautiful announcement trailer for the game.

So i might just give it a try =)

Press release:
"Leo’s Fortune is a beautiful new platformer from 1337 & Senri, the creators of Devil’s Attorney and Dark Nebula. 1337 & Senri, a 4-person team from Sweden, have put their unique spin on the platforming genre and raised the bar for graphics in a mobile or tablet game. It’s a premium game with no in-app purchases, available now in Sweden for Kr. 38.00 / Denmark for Kr. 32.00 / Norway for Kr. 35.00 / Finland for Euro 4.49 in the App Store for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

Leo’s Fortune follows the story of Leopold, a mustached furball who was once wealthy but wakes up one day to discover his gold fortune has been stolen. The thief dropped gold like a trail of breadcrumbs, which Leo must follow to recover his fortune and find the culprit. Along the way you’ll meet Leo’s strange family and reveal a twisting mystery.

You’ll jump and float to avoid deadly traps, solve physics-based puzzles, and guide Leo through 24 hand-crafted levels. Each level is one enormous, unique piece of art, a first ever for a mobile platformer.

This is the first game to release from Tilting Point’s developer partners."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Tomodachi Life - The next Animal Crossing?

tomodachi life
Tomodachi Life will be released in the UK on the 6th of June this summer (for 3DS).

I honestly haven't had this "omfg!" and "dafuq did i just watch?!" feeling about Nintendos games for years. But then i watched the Tomodachi Life Direct video. And, well. I don´t know what to say exactly. Let´us just say that i had a quite bisar experience.

But if you look past the big "omfg!" factor of the movie. And focus on the "actual" gameplay parts of Tomodachi Life instead. Then it seems like some kind of Animal Crossing kind of game for 3DS? The question remains however.

Will Tomodachi Life be worth our time and money? In June we shall all find out!

About Tomodachi Life:
"What happens when friends, family, and celebrities become Mii™ characters and live together on an island? Tomodachi Life happens! Start by creating Mii characters and customizing everything about them. Have fun recreating your best friend, your favorite actor, mom and dad, co-workers...whoever! Then watch as they rap, rock, eat donuts, fall in love, break up, go shopping, play games, and live their crazy Mii lives."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Capcom might show Resident Evil 7 during the E3 event

resident evil 7
Resident Evil 7 will either make, or break the RE series.

Let´s be honest now shall we. Resident Evil 6 was a big disaster, and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City was even worse. And the only thing that was worse than the actual grade for the games, were the sales reports.

So i am somewhat sceptical about Resident Evil 7. Because honestly, imo. The very last "good" Re title was RE4. But after RE4, things just went downhill for the RE series. And  i was pretty sceptical when i wrote my article "Resident Evil 7 will become a Xbox One exclusive?", back in March as well.

So "if" the E3 rumors really are true (that Capcom will show the world Resident Evil 7 at the E3 event). Then i really hope for Capcoms sake. That Resident Evil 7 will become something really epic. Because both Capcom and the Resident Evil series life depends on it...

Anyhow, you can read more about the Resident Evil 7 E3 rumors at Siliconera.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Shu Takumi presents a new Ace Attorney game for the world

phoenix wright
"Ace Attorney Grand Turnabout Trial: The Adventures of Naruhodou Ryuunosuke". What a...ehrm, nice name.

Series creator Shu Takumi is at work on a brand-new Ace Attorney game that takes the series more than a century into the past. According to the leaked pages, the game will be set in Japan's Meiji era (Sept. 1868 through July 1912) and star an ancestor of the series' famous lawyer, Phoenix Wright. 

His name is Naruhodou Ryuunosuke. In the picture, he is seen carrying a sword and the article describes him as having a keen sense of justice, and quick to put himself in danger. Hopefully we’ll get to see him draw his katana, and point it when he shouts objection!

ace attorney japanese magasine
"Dai Gyakuten Saiban — Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken". That´s the Japanese name of the new Ace Attorney game.

The new game's full title is Dai Gyakuten Saiban — Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken, which translates to Grand Turnabout Trial — The Adventures of Naruhodou Ryuunosuke.

Takumi has worked on every game in the Ace Attorney series since the original Nintendo DS title, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, in 2001.

Takumi did not work on the most recent release of Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, because at that time, he was focused on the crossover title of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, which still has yet to receive a release date.

It comes as a bit of a surprise that the Ace Attorney series is traveling backwards in time yet again. The last time we saw this happen, were in past renditions of the games- Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations, and Apollo Justice Ace Attorney.

Shifting the series backwards a bit, is a great idea. Since many of us would love to see if Mia Fey had ancestors, who interacted with Phoenix Wright’s. I can’t wait to see what happens with this title, being a huge fan of the series, so stay with us as more develops. 

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Brutal Doom v19 - Doom 2 - Part 21 - Fallout 1 and 2

brutal doom v19 doom-2 part 21 
Fallout 2 are still THE king of ALL RPG games imo.

It feels kind of funny that it has taken me over 16 years to do a video about Fallout 1 and 2 xD But better late than never, right? ;) Anyhow. If you haven't heard about Fallout 1 & 2 by now.

Then you have missed out big time. And let me tell you why. Me, i spent most of my freetime during High School and collage playing Fallout 2. 
Hell, even though i have finished Fallout 2 like, 20 times since 1998. I still love the game to death. 

So, please enjoy part 21 of my Brutal Doom v19 (Doom 2) series =)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Tales of Xillia 2 - The collector's edition

tales of xillia 2 collectors edition
Tales of Xillia 2 will be released on the 19th of Augusti in North America, and on the 22th of Augusti in EU.

Bandai Namco's sequel Tales of Xillia 2 is headed stateside in August of 2014, with a bonus-packed Collector's Edition in tow. Announced yesterday, Tales of Xillia 2 will be a great game. The first Tales of Xillia was a smashing success, and saw audiences swept back up into the madness that is expected of classical JRPG’S.

The only downside is, that we might not see every Tales series game re-made for next gen PS4, or current gen PS3. Whatever the decision however, Bandai Namco will always deliver for their audience, and haven’t disappointed so far. 

tales of xillia 2 day one ed
Will you buy the "Day one edition", or the "Collectors edition"?

The Tales of Xillia 2 Collector's Edition will include a figurine of the game's main character Ludger Kresnik, along with an art book, a soundtrack CD, a plushie charm, and a replica pocket watch. The package also features a collection of costume DLC featuring classic series characters Yuri Lowell, Emil Castagnier, and Asbel Lhant. Perhaps we might even get past characters as DLC so we can play as them in separate storylines.

The game takes place a year after Tales of Xillia. Elle Mel Marta is given specific instructions by her father to board a train, and to find the Land of Canaan. Her train is hijacked before its departure, and Ludger Will Kresnik boards it to save her. The train crashes, and the two receive life saving treatment from Clanspia Inc. which puts Ludger in debt. 

Clanspia Inc. hires Ludger, intending to use his Kresnik powers to destroy alternative timelines, because the spirit Origin can no longer sustain the abundance of souls in the worlds. While working off the debt, Ludger also searches for his brother, Julius Will Kresnik, who has been blamed for the train hijacking.

Sounds exciting right? I know it will be a very enticing story, filled with battles, side quests, and lots of loot. The only question that might linger, is whether Tales of Xillia’s DLC from Japan will be offered up to be used in the Tales of Xillia 2.

The sad thing is, that this style of RPG is going away, and reminds us of the PS2, and its glory. We don’t see RPG’S like this anymore, but thankfully we still have companies, who keep their brand without changing it.

Tales of Xillia 2 is one of many Tales series games arriving stateside this year, accompanying the recently released Tales of Symphonia Chronicles and the upcoming Tales of Hearts R. Tales of Xillia 2 will hit store shelves in North America on August 19. A European release will follow on August 22. Captivating hearts around the globe pre-order your copy today!

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Mario Golf: World Tour - The best kind of golf there is

mario golf
Underwater golf are a big thing in Mario Golf: World Tour.

Nintendo is taking a shot at season passes with Mario Golf: World Tour, after it announced the 3DS game's DLC schedule yesterday. The arcade golfing sim, will receive three packs across May and June, each offering two 18-hole courses,  and a new playable character.

Admission to each one is priced $6.00/£5.39, but the season pass bundle will be $15.00/£10.79. The UK will unfortunately recieve the greater handicap but it's a limited-time offer; after May 31 it reverts back to £13.49, so jump on it quickly!

mario golf world tour dlc
Which character do you like the most?

The three DLC’s strike off alongside the game on May 2, beginning with the Mushroom Pack which features Toadette. We finally see a use for  Nabbit, from Super Luigi U, who breaks his way into the Flower Pack later in the month, while Super Mario Galaxy princess Rosalina is featured in the June Star Pack.

If you're wondering what Gold Mario's doing, he's just posing for his Master’s jacket. But he is a bonus for anyone who purchases all three packs, whether that's separately or via the season pass.

 With a standard membership, the World Tour clubhouse gives you access to 10 different courses made up of 126 holes. Also, by going through Nintendo's site, players can expect a roster of 16 characters.

That will include the traditional roster, and favorites like Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad. The appearances of Daisy, Waluigi, Birdo and Boo, will also make an appearance. And besides single-player shenanigans, players can take to busier fairways in both local, multiplayer, or compete in regional and worldwide tournaments.

This is Nintendo’s first step into the season pass lifestyle, and the spotlight will be on them, hard. Nintendo is no stranger to waiting until the time is right to throw the right strike to win the title, and has never lost their crowned title, even with the launch of the Wii U.

One can only hope that they will offer support for Call of Duty Ghost map packs, and Assassin’s Creed 4 B lack Flag DLC. No matter their choice, on this matter, they will succeed due to the patience they have, and the quality assurance they have always delivered well on into 2014.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

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