Resident Evil 7 will become a Xbox One exclusive?
Before i say (write) anything more. I´m just going to point out that all the stuff regarding Resident Evil 7. Are just rumors at the moment. So with that said, let´s lineup the rumors shall we?
1. Resident Evil 7 are said to be a E3 2014 game
2. Resident Evil 7 will become a Xbox One exclusive
3. Resident Evil 7 will be released in January next year (2015)
4. There will be a Resident Evil 7 trailer in May
Of course, Capcom haven't said a single word about anything of this. So it´s all "make believe" at the moment. But what do you guys think about all this? Just bs, or is there "maye" some truth to it?
Twitch broadcasting are coming to Xbox One in March
I was honestly starting to wonder when this would actually happen for real. Well, the wait will soon be over for all the Xbox One users. Yes, i am of course talking about Twitch TV and Xbox One. Cuz on the 11th of March. Twitch TV "should" be available for everyone that uses a Xbox One.
So soon, very soon. It´s show time!
Press release:
"It's official. On March 11th, Twitch broadcasting comes to the Xbox One. But that's not all.
Along with broadcasting functionality, the updated Twitch app for Xbox One gets an enhanced viewing experience as well – Chat, Following, and Notifications are all coming in the update. With so much new stuff, let’s jump right into the particulars.
For a complete feature set, a video overview, and commentary on the new Twitch app for Xbox One, read more:"
Xbox One has some serious controller problems
It seems like Microsoft celebrated their Xbox One sells in America a little too early. Because i just heard that there´s quite a few problems with the Xbox One controllers. And to make things even worse. The Xbox One customer Service are some what, ehrm, out of order?
At least that´s the big picture i get when i read people´s comments on twitter. And i can´t say that it was a pleasent read really. Cuz people didn't "just" have problems with the Xbox One controllers. It was everything from disc read problems, Kinect problems, to online related problems.
So i don´t really wanna know how expensive all this stuff will become for Microsoft in the end. I just hope that everyone will get help, and that MS will sort everything out asap.
But have you guys (and girls) had any problems with your Xbox One so far? If so, did you get any help from the customer Service?
Xbox One beat the PS4 sales in US last christmas
I bet that Sony are grinding their teeth right now. Cuz incase you haven't heard it already. Microsofts Xbox One sold more units last christmas, than Sonys PS4 did. That came like a big suprise to quite a lot of people today. Becouse pretty much everyone thought that the PS4 would sell more units in America, than the Xbox One.
But that´is clearly not the case. Me, im just as surprised like everyone else right now. Sony don´t agree on that though. Becouse they claim that the PS4 has sold more units than the Xbox One in the states. So it´s kind of hard what to believe really, cuz it´s a "word against word" kind of thing.
One thing is for sure though. Either Sony or Microsoft can afford to lose the US market to anyone. So you could easily say that the nextgen war has started for real now.
Xbox One - The Titanfall Limited Edition Wireless Controller
I know that i have been very negative, critical and hard on the Xbox One console. But im actually starting like the Xbox One a bit more for each week that goes by. And there´s a very easy explonation for that (i got paid $10,000 this morning. Shhh, don´t tell anyone aiight?).
Which would be the fact that i have started to find out more and more cool stuff about the Xbox One. Dead Rising 3 for ex. I love killing zombies, and now i get to kill zombies in the most creative ways imaginable. And in "Project Spark" i get to create stuff (which i also love to do).
And just now, i heard about the super neat Titanfall Limited Edition Wireless Controller (it was made by Respawn Entertainment) . I swear, it was love at first sight. Just look at the damn thing, it´s a pure beast!
So when i get a Xbox One. I sure hope to get my hands on this badboy asap!
About Xbox One Titanfall Limited Edition Wireless Controller:
"One of the best things about big game releases is the great Limited Edition gear that comes along with them. The upcoming release of Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment’s highly anticipated shooter “Titanfall” for Xbox One is the biggest of them all, which is why we’re so excited to unveil a must-have commemorative companion to the game. The Xbox One “Titanfall” Limited Edition Wireless Controller is the perfect way to mark the debut of “Titanfall” on the Xbox One.
"In a collaborative effort with the Xbox design team and the Respawn art department, our goal was to create a controller that feels as if it is a piece of military spec hardware transported from the universe of Titanfall and into players hands," stated Joel Emslie, Lead Artist at Respawn Entertainment.
Designed by Respawn Entertainment, the sleek controller was inspired by the C-101 carbine, used by the elite IMC Titan pilots of the Frontier. Crafted in striking detail for maximum authenticity in color and graphics, it looks and feels like an artifact from the world of “Titanfall” and is a must-have for every “Titanfall” fan.
Winner of more than 80 coveted awards from critics around the world, “Titanfall” has been recognized as one of the most anticipated games of 2014 by MTV, Yahoo! Games, CNN Money and Forbes. “Titanfall” is the first original shooter on next-gen and is winning over fans with its thrilling, dynamic first-person action gameplay featuring elite assault pilots and agile, heavily-armored, 24-foot titans.
The Xbox One “Titanfall” Limited Edition Wireless Controller will be available worldwide in time for the launch of “Titanfall” on March 11, 2014 in North America and beginning March 13, 2014 in Europe."
Xbox One might be the very last Microsoft console
This didn't really come as a big surprise for me. Not at all. Cuz let´s be honest. The technology race moves faster than ever before. So i have had thoughts about the consoles death for several years now. Because they will eventually become redundant with time.
So when i heard about the whole "Xbox One might be the very last Microsoft console" thing earlier today. I just thought "That might just be the case". But, Microsofts Phil Spencer don´t agree on that point,
"I don't. I think local compute will be important for a long time". - Phil Spencer, Microsoft via Twitter
Cuz even though the cloud streaming technology becomes more and more advance (and gets more users). Phil Spencer doesn't see cloud streaming as a treat to the video game consoles. At least not for now. Me, i think that we´re going to see at least 1 or two more new console generations.
Before "other" services takes over the whole gaming market from the video game consoles. So, for the time being. Xbox One won´t have to worry about getting it´s plug pulled.
But what do you guys think? Will we see an end to the video game consoles anytime soon?