
Twitch broadcasting are coming to Xbox One in Marchcomment_here

twitch tv xbox one
Twitch TV + Xbox One = True.

I was honestly starting to wonder when this would actually happen for real. Well, the wait will soon be over for all the Xbox One users. Yes, i am of course talking about Twitch TV and Xbox One. Cuz on the 11th of March. Twitch TV "should" be available for everyone that uses a Xbox One.

So soon, very soon. It´s show time!
Press release:
"It's official. On March 11th, Twitch broadcasting comes to the Xbox One. But that's not all. 

Along with broadcasting functionality, the updated Twitch app for Xbox One gets an enhanced viewing experience as well – Chat, Following, and Notifications are all coming in the update. With so much new stuff, let’s jump right into the particulars.

For a complete feature set, a video overview, and commentary on the new Twitch app for Xbox One, read more:"

Official Twitch Blog
Xbox Wire

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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Postat av: lethulool

you spelled twitch wrong you fkn shit website gj wp idiots

Svar: Mistakes happen you know. But thanks for pointing that out. I just changed it. And if you don´t like the page, then just move along. Problem solved.
The Gaming Ground

Date: 2014-03-02 Time: 14:30:11 Url:

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