
Microsoft buys Mojang and Minecraft for $2.5billioncomment_here

microsoft buys mojang and minecraft
No Notch no!

"Oh dear mother of god no!", "Please tell me that this is some kind of sick joke?", "Bye bye Minecraft". Those are some of the reactions that i have seen on the internet so far. Yes, i´m of course talking about the fact that Microsoft has bought Mojang (and Minecraft) for 2,5 billon dollars.

At first i thought that it was a joke as well. But then i remembered that there has been rumors going on for months about MS buying Mojang. And now it´s official, Microsoft now owns Mojang and all of their creations. So now i understand why so many Minecraft players are upset.

Because we ALL know what happened to Rare (don´t we now?). And this of course raises a lot of questions. Like, what will happen to Minecraft now? Will Notch quit his job at Mojang? And how much will this effect Mojang as a whole?

So, What do you guys think about all this?

"Gaming is a top activity spanning devices, from PCs and consoles to tablets and mobile, with billions of hours spent each year. Minecraft is more than a great game franchise – it is an open world platform, driven by a vibrant community we care deeply about."CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft Studios


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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