
Bayonetta 2 - The first print editioncomment_here

bayonetta 2 first print edition wii u
The first print edition will be released on the 24th of October. 

It may be Saturday, and i may be somewhat sleepy. But i´m most defiently awake now. Because Platinum Games collectors edition of Bayonetta 2, caught my attention. Well, okay, it´s called "The first print edition". Anyhow, it´s a massive collectors box.

No doubt about that. Hell, you even get the first edition of Bayonetta! The downside? The price, you have to pay 140£ (plus shipment) for Bayonetta 2 - The first print edition. Oh well, everything for the fine lady Bayonetta right? ;)

About Bayonetta 2 - The first print edition:
The First Print Edition of Bayonetta 2 contains disc versions of both Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2, plus an art book, all contained in special embossed packaging - a faithful recreation of The Hierarchy of Laguna, the book of angels that documents the angelic foes Bayonetta meets on her adventures.

The First Print Edition of Bayonetta 2 contains:
- Disc versions of both Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2,
- Plus an art book,
- All contained in special embossed packaging,
- Bayonetta 2 swoops onto Wii U on 24th October 2014!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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