
The last night - A short but epic cyberpunk adventure gamecomment_here

the last night
The last night is a MUST play for everyone that loves cyberpunk games.

Not everyone may agree with me now. But i still think that Westwood Studios "Blade Runner" are one of THE very best cyberpunk games ever made. And even though Blade Runner was released back in 1997 (over 17 years ago), the game still rules the cyberpunk adventure scene.

So when i heard about the short F2P cyberpunk adventure game "The Last Night" (it´s a browser game). I just have to give it a go. And let me tell you what. The Last Night gave me some really nice Another World, Flashback and Blade runner vibes.

And if you´re into that sort of games. Then you just have to give Tim and Adrien Soret´s The Last Night a go!

About The last night:
The Last Night : a short, moody, cyberpunk adventure game in the spirit of Flashback & Blade Runner. Made in 6 days by two young brothers living in Paris : Tim Soret & Adrien Soret. Original music & sound design by Laurent Lozano. Additional tracks by Chemise & Scratch Massive.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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