
Outland 17: Void of Liberty - A really uniq sci-fi tactical RPGcomment_here

outland 17
Outland 17 might just become the next "big" thing when it comes to tactical games.

It seems like Grenade Tree Games are working on something rather interesting and uniq. I´m of course talking about their upcoming sci-fi/tactical RPG game "Outland 17". Which imo looks like a mix of X-COM, sci-fi and the American civial war.

And Outland 17 looks pretty darn good as well. I also love the fact that you can customize weapons, your gear, perks, and your squad members as you please. And that really gives you the ability to create uniq battle units. So i can´t wait to see more videos from Outland 17.

Or more so, to play it myself ;)

About Outland 17:
Outland 17 is a turn-based tactical RPG that takes inspiration from other genres such as tactics games and shooters. Each battle is a different experience because of the character load outs, environment, and tactics used.

Every squad member can be customized with unique weapons, armor, attachments, perks, and skill sets to support an assortment of playstyles. With classes ranging from deadly snipers to resilient melee warriors, you choose the composition of your squad to best handle whatever challenges Outland 17 throws at you.

Be prepared to fight on any battleground such as wide open fields, confined hallways, chaotic warzones, and more. Take cover, shoot explosive barrels, fire turrets, and do whatever it takes to gain a tactical advantage.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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