
Kingdom Hearts 3 will run on Unreal Engine 4comment_here

kingdom hearts 3 unreal engine 4
KHIII will look freaking awesome thanks to Unreal Engine 4.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be an awesome debut in 2015, and now we have just uncovered more exciting news for the third installment in the franchise. The title will be developed with the Unreal Engine 4.

Until now we were led to believe the third installment in the Kingdom Hearts trilogy was being developed using the Luminous Engine, which was unveiled at E3 2012, through the Agni's Philosophy tech demo. While Luminous is still believed to be in use for Final Fantasy XV, it's unclear if any other projects will continue the trend in the future. Kingdom Hearts 3 will be coming to Next-Gen consoles sometime in 2015.

tgg author avatar kenay peterson
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
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