
Even the Ocean - A tale of balancing energiescomment_here

even the ocean
Even the Ocean is a really beautiful 2D-side scrolling platform game.

I sure hope that Jonathan Kittaka Games will finish their work with "Even the Ocean". Because that game is full of potential and creative ideas. Sadly enough though, there´s just one really old Even the Ocean preview video available (it´s from May this year).

There´s however some new updates to be found about Even the Ocean, via the development log page. And from what i can tell, there´s plans on both a PC, MAC, Linux and a console release (formats unknown). There´s no release date for Even the Ocean yet though.

About Even the Ocean: 
Even the Ocean (tm) is a tale of balancing energies, a game about interacting with the 2D environment to balance your energy bar which affects your movement. You play as Aliph the repairwoman, working for Whiteforge City.

Aliph's job takes her through a variety of environments with urban and natural mixes - mechanical power plants, the seaside, dense forests, etc. Instead of health, interact with objects in the environment to modify your max running and jumping speed. Movement feels similar to combat through the microdecisions made in managing the energy bar.

Even the Ocean is a lengthy adventure where you play through linear areas such as energy power plants, requiring you to balance your energy in order to make it through, playing similarly to 2D sidescrolling games. Aliph's adventures also take her through more open environments filled with NPCs who Aliph must talk and interact with. Even the Ocean is designed to be rewarding and memorable through thoughtful game mechanics, and a rich storyline.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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