
Prison Architect Alpha 19 has been released!comment_here

prison architect alpha 19
Yep, it´s out now. So whatcha waiting for? Go and download it!

The people at Introversion software sure are hard at work with their game Prison Architect. But thanks to their hard work, the Prison Architect Alpha 19 are now available =) So, game on people!

About Prison Architect Alpha 19:
"Balance sheets, Cash-flow, P&L, Shares. This month it's all about the greenback. Right from Alpha 1 the finance system has been broken - there's never enough money to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. Well, no more. We've introduced more grants, bank loans and the selling of shares in your prison to raise more funds. The mid game is now much more directed and focussed and really changes the way PA is played. Please let us know what you think!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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