
Marvel Heroes 2015 - End of anniversary event announced!comment_here

marvel heroes 2015
Marvel Heroes 2015 are now available for both PC and MAC users.

2014 have been a really great year for the Marvel fans so far. And the folks at Gazillion will try to keep it that way. That´s also why they just recently announced the Marvel Heroes 2015 "End of Anniversary" event. And you can read all about it down below ;)

Press release:
"We’re pleased to announce the launch of our Epic Twelve - End of Anniversary event for Marvel Heroes 2015.

Similar in concept to the crazy Big Ten event we ran just two months ago, today's launch brings back fan favorite in-game specials alongside new features. For complete information on our Epic Twelve event, please click here: http://marvelheroes.com/"

Here’s the list of events that make up the Epic Twelve celebration this weekend:
- Return of the Reaper - Every few hours, a different game mode will have increased loot, rotating between Terminals, Midtown, and X-Defense and Holo-Sim.
- Legendary BOGO - BOGO for heroes and costumes are back along with a 15% bonus G sale.
- Even More Cowbell - Log in on Saturday, 6/28 for a Cosmic Cow King Crate. Loot for the Bovineheim and Confidential Bovine Sector will also be increased!
- Devs with Benefits - Play with the devs, ask them questions & receive codes for mystery gifts.
- Runes Reloaded - Drop rates for the rarest of runes have been increased as well as sale values.
- World Cup Fever - Collect flags from the various World Cup countries for a special item.
- Cosmic Chaos - Cosmic Doop spawn rate has been increased and will drop random a Cosmic Medallion and  Cosmic Ring. Cosmic Penta Boosts also make a comeback in the store.
- Summer BBQ - Collect summer BBQ drops including hot dogs and Omega Red Ketchup.
- Alpha Omega - Earn more Omega Orbs as rewards for Shared Quests are tripled and are 10% easier to acquire. Log in each day to receive an extra Omega Orb.
- Teamwork 101 - Team Insignias drop rates will be increased, Team-Up Heroes will deal increased damage and all Team-Up Heroes prices will be 20% off! Log in each day and receive an Epic S.H.I.E.L.D. Team-Up gear.
- Accidents Happen - Server side rarity boost will have a few unexpected increases at random times through each day, lasting anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes.
- Old School - Hero Tokens for any hero have a small chance of dropping across the game.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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