
Invertium - A dark sci-fi platformercomment_here

Invertium are a TBA title for PC, MAC and Linux.

I just tried Lunar Kingdom´s sci-fi/platformer "Invertium" (you can download and play the beta for Windows). And it´s pretty darn good imo. I really like the physics and gravity parts (watch the trailer and you will understand what i mean by that).

That´s really great indeed. But sadly enough, Invertium are a TBA title at the moment. So there´s no release date for the game at this time. But i´m quite sure that Lunar Kingdom will keep us informed about the process of Invertium.

So be sure to visit our homepage on a daily basis ;)

About Invertium:
"Invertium is a dark sci-fi platformer with physics-based mechanics, that immerses you in a world of challenging gravity, motion and time puzzles. Unless other games of this kind, Invertium is not only based on ability and speed of reaction, but on the capacity to analyze the situations and figure out the best way to resolve them. It combines a modern mechanics design with a concept of challenge and difficulty from classic arcade games."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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