
Drinking Quest - The trilogy editioncomment_here

drinking quest kickstarter
Drinking Quest are not a game for those who doesn't drink.

You know what they say about "the world being a small place sometimes"? Wel, it´s true. Because just the other day i ran into Jason Anarchy (the brain behind "Drinking Quest") on Twitter. And as it turns out. Jason´s a good friend of Ali Spagnola.

Which just happens to be the mastermind behind the Power Hour drinking game. So that was a very pleasent surprise indeed, because both Jason and Ali follows us on Twitter. And guess what? Jason has his very own drinking game as well.

And it´s called "Drinking Quest". I should of course also point out that there´s a Kickstarter campaign for the remastered edition of the first 3 Drinking Quest games. And that project was successfully funded +$27,000) just recently. So a big congrats to Jason Anarchy!

There´s still 5 days left on the Kickstarter watch though. So if you feel like showing the Drinking game some lovin on Kickstarter. Then you better hurry up!

About Drinking Quest:
"It's a Drinking Game and a Tabletop RPG! The first 3 Drinking Quest games were cult hits-now they've been remastered with new content.

In 2011 Drinking Quest: The Original Drinking RPG spawned a hilarious new genre. The Drinking Quest games are a light RPG, a light Drinking Game (with non drinking rules as well) and a heavy parody experience because it's such a ridiculous concept.

Since then two sequels have been released: Yeddy Vedder's Yeti Adventure (2012) and Nectar of the Gods (2013).

The goal of Trilogy Edition is to bring all three games together seamlessly in one package and make all kinds of improvements like:

- Full Colour Cards
- An Improved D4, D6, D8 System (Instead of 3D6) This adds complexity to the game without adding a single new rule.
- Bigger Cards while still staying a good size to bring to the pub
- A Bigger, More Attractive Box
- Up to 3 new Quests (Consisting of 12 cards each)
- Other smaller improvements (Think remastered Star Trek not remastered Star Wars)"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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