
Chasing Aurora - A really neat 2D aerial action game for Wii Ucomment_here

chasing aurora  
Chasing Aurora are out now for Wii U.

Now that Mario Kart 8 has saved the Wii U from it´s own downfall. More and more Gamers and indie developers are starting to believe in the Wii U again. And not only is that really important for Nintendo. It´s also really important for Wii U to have a strong third party (indie titles, mainly) lineup.

And a really good example of such a game would be Broken Rules 2D aerial action game "Chasing Aurora". Because it really takes good advantage of the Wii U´s uniq controller system. So if you own a Wii U, and like this kind of games.

Then you should give Chasing Aurora a go asap!

About Chasing Aurora:
"Chasing Aurora is the first game in a series of 2D aerial action games about the dream of flight. Ride the wind from peak to peak. Fight for Aurora's Gem in the hostile environment of the Alps. Fly your bird to victory in this multiplayer action game. Chasing Aurora is available for Wii U right now."

- Three different multiplayer game modes based on classic children's games.
- A single player mode that is a race against the clock.
- Unique physics-based flight inspired by the age-old dream of human aviation.
- A fresh and mysterious world to explore.
- Outstanding 2D vector- and pixel-based art style right in the middle between origami and pop-up book.
- Original sound track composed by and performed on Alpine instruments by Christof Dienz.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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