
Shallow Space - A neat 3D real time strategy space gamecomment_here

shallow space
What happens in space. Stays in space.
Me and space games are like beer, NFL and hamburgers. They just fit really well together. And today i heard about Fieldrequired´s 3D Real time strategy space game "Shallow Space". A game which has started to gain more and more popularity on indieDB lately.
So i just watched the newest movie for Shallow Space. And i have to say that the game looks rather impressing imo. So, check it out people =)

About Shallow Space: 
"Shallow Space is a 3D Real time strategy game bearing similarities to Nexus: The Jupiter incident and Homeworld. Guide a set of capital ships through a complex and intriguing scenario, using resources to advance weaponry and skills.

Mine those resources to ensure your fleet remains prepared as you advance through the detailed narrative. Manage power distribution, damage and training on your flagships while at the same time producing smaller ships like cruisers, frigates, corvettes and fighter drones to compliment your fleet and prepare the front lines for what is about to become very shallow space. (Be sure to check the blog on the 'Official page' link for up-to-date news)"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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