
InSomnia - The big success story on Kickstartercomment_here

I just knew from the very start that InSomnia would be fully funded.

I know that many Kickstarter projects crash and burn every month. But thankfully enough, InSomnia wasn't one of those projects. Because Studio Mono collected over $90,000 via Kickstarter for their InSomnia campaign. So yes, that means that InSomnia are homesafe.

The game will actually happen for real! But there´s more good news. Because you (and others) can also donate money to the InSomnia project via Paypal. And that means that Studio Mono will be able to put even more awesome stuff into InSomnia.

Anyhow, a big congrats to thee InSomnia team =)

Press release:
"Samara, Russia - July 24, 2014 - Studio MONO are today would like to thank all the press for their support and of course their backers who really came through to help them exceed their initial funding goal for InSomnia, which has finished its Kickstarter at $92,268, which represents $20,000 over the funding target.

'Words cannot express how grateful we are to each and every backer, journalist, streamer and all of the websites all over the world, who helped us fund by sharing their love for InSomnia. A huge thank you from everyone at Studio MONO!' said Anatoliy Guyduk, Studio MONO's lead developer.

'We've now opened the webstore and accepting payments via PayPal to carry on helping InSomnia fund and to achieve further stretch goals. Thanks to all of the support, we're able to now go into full development of InSomnia; but the journey to the evacuation point hast just begun."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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