
10 second ninja - Are you Ninja enough?comment_here

10 second ninja
"Only a Ninja can kill a Ninja". How cute, but sadly enough that doesn't apply to 10 second ninja.

Ah, Ninjas. They have been the nr 1 coolest thing since the 80s. I mean, we 80s kids had Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi, TMNT and Ninja Scroll. And even though that was ages ago. Ninjas are still considered to be cool as hell.

I guess it´s because there´s been a ton of Ninja games, movies and animes since the 80s. Anyhow, speaking of Ninjas. You guys should check out GameDesignDan´s action/platformer "10 second ninja" (you can buy it via Steam for 7,99 Euro).
Why? Because it's bloody great! But don´t take my word for it. Just watch the trailer down below instead ;)

About 10 second ninja:
"Ninjas are cool, this is an established fact of the universe. Nazi Robots from space are not cool, they are the complete opposite of cool, and Robot Hitler is out to get you, the world's first ninja. You have 10 seconds to destroy all Nazi Robots in your vicinity. IT. IS. ON. Become the ultimate Ninja and take down Robot Hitler’s automated autocracy in this blisteringly fast platformer. Ready, Steady, Ninja!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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