
The Swapper has launched on PS3, PS4 and PS Vitacomment_here

The Swapper have done really well on PC. But will it do just as well on console? (IGN gave the PS4 version 9.3/10, so yeah. I´m quite sure that it will do just fine on console as well).

Sometimes it's really worth waiting a really long time for something. And that just happens to be the case with Facepalm Games space puzzle/platformer "The Swaper" A game which the PC-players (the game is yours for 13,99 Euro via Steam) has been able to enjoy since May 2013.

But now it´s time for the PS3, PS4 and PS Vita players to enjoy The Swaper as well. Yes, that´s right. The Swapper are now available via PSN!

Press release:
"If you’ve been following The Swapper’s journey to consoles, you know the game is finally on sale in North America and will soon be available in Europe (tomorrow, in fact)! To celebrate the launch, Curve has commissioned a brand new trailer, which we are debuting today."

- Both Curve Digital and Facepalm’s Olli Harjola will be on Reddit tomorrow conducting an AMA about The Swapper from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pacific. Make sure to let your readers know about it :)


About The Swapper: 
Holder of numerous awards and accolades, the Swapper is an atmospheric puzzle platformer set in the furthest reaches of space. Players wield an experimental device able to clone the user and swap control between them.

Key Features:
- Challenge: Fiendish puzzles with solutions that are only ever a few steps away
- Isolation: Classic sci-fi atmosphere inspired by the likes of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris
- Wonder: A world built out of clay
- Mystery: Narrative design from Tom Jubert—the writer behind indie hits Penumbra and FTL: Faster Than Light
- The Swapper has won numerous awards and accolades, including PAX 10, IndieCade and Indie Game Challenge.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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